That’s 60 yards per shot.
/Some days I’d be happy with that.
That’s 60 yards per shot.
/Some days I’d be happy with that.
Off topic: I loved Battlestar Galactica’s ending.
When it’s “struggling single mom” we are talking about, yeah. When it’s “the problems of the working class,” it’s still fricking coal miners and car assembly workers.
For some reason, a lot of families on Long Island and around NYC send their kids to college here in Buffalo. It confuses the fuck out of them that people in the suburbs mean, well, Buffalo when they say “the city”, and not the city that’s eight hours and four hundred plus miles away.
I think Kyrie has legitimate reasons to be pissed off at Lebron. Lebron thinks that the world revolves around him, which obviously isn’t true since the world is flat.
Isn’t there already a buyout provision?
Heckler: (heckles)
Ah, reading comprehension. That’s what I get for skimming.
>Thing is, if there is a reduction in black on black crime, it will help to remove the prejudice the police have, which should also translate into fewer police shootings.<
He better bring at least his AAA game, preferably his MLB game.
Ellsbury’s still getting paid his big money no matter what, so it’s working out great for him in any case. It’s the Yankees that are paying him $21 million or whatever to be their 5th best outfielder.
Elisbury picked a bad time to get injured. For him, that is, it’s working out great for the Yankees. If Hicks should regress at some point, which he probably will, Jacoby better bring his A game.
who does dirty stuff constantly but claims he’s not dirty
Rage, rage against the calling of the last.
Charge of The Lite Beer Brigade
I have a tendency to hold on to my beer at all times, a habit probably developed as a irrational/paranoid youth to avoid people (Sebastian Janikowski, Bill Cosby etc.) dropping something foreign in to it. I have started placing my beer in strategic, not hidden, locations. I receive fewer questions about what number…
Considering the comic state of their pitching even with Harvey, the image of the Mets as dark horse contenders for the division is just a mirage. It will be a real marvel if they manage to keep pace with DC, and I personally just don’t think they have that kind of valiant effort in them. In conclusion, Archie.
1. “I would never say it doesn’t happen”. No, you would just try your absolute hardest to minimize it. Your anecdotes don’t override Jones’s anecdotes. And why is calling St. Louis similarly racist a counter to any of this?