Ever since someone said it in the comments to another Jez post about this guy I have not been able to read his name as anything other than six-ix nine-ine.
Ever since someone said it in the comments to another Jez post about this guy I have not been able to read his name as anything other than six-ix nine-ine.
A lot of states that wouldn’t otherwise be interesting are worth going to because they’re so beautiful (e.g. Arizona, Montana), while some states are also full of assholes but have enough going on that they’re worth a visit (e.g. Massachusetts, New York). But man, some states just fucking suck and have no redeeming…
I was going to vote for Papa John because of all the mileage this site got out of how badly he fucked up that whole situation, but then I remembered the Colangelo story and started giggling at my desk, so really it’s no contest.
I get not liking the podcast or the people involved in it, but the online left’s constant shitting all over them seems to me to be another strain of the unbearable smugness of the Twitter left. “Look at me, I’m too smart and my politics are too pure to enjoy this. #Actually Barack Obama was a bad president” If you…
I nodded off (only for like 5 minutes!) playing the other night and when I woke up I had a $170 bounty. My best guess since the last thing I remember was riding towards Valentine is that I must have trampled some civilians with my horse.
Kids getting playing time and occasionally doing fun stuff is the only good part of this Rangers season. I’m legit looking forward to them trading the rest of their veterans later this season and getting even more kids out on the ice.
It’s pouring rain today where I live and I’m intensely anxious about the election, so I think that after work I’m going to sit down with RDR2, ride up into the mountains, do some hunting, and drink whiskey and smoke cigarettes by a campfire. I haven’t played an actual main mission in the game in my past like 5 hours…
I finally got around to starting this over the weekend, and for me the most surprising thing after about 6 or 7 hours of gameplay is how queasy the violence makes me. I killed a penned pig to see if I could carry it back to camp with me, but I couldn’t and the panicked squeals of the other penned pigs stuck with me…
Democrats run a lot of shitty candidates, I wish the party was more comfortable explicitly supporting left-wing policies, and Republicans ought to be told to eat shit as often as possible. But it’s also the case that there’s very little reason to believe that if Democratic nominees on the whole ran explicitly…
Eh, I kind of think it’s the British press making more out of this than there is (as is their wont). Celebrating in front of the opposing team’s bench is one of soccer’s (sigh) unwritten rules, but also Mourinho overreacted. They talked it over afterwards and both teams/managers pretty clearly want to move on. Seems…
Basically all of the American sports leagues have too many teams, with some absolutely garbage teams that make no attempt to win and drag down the quality of the entire league. It would probably be a good thing for a few teams to fold.
About 6 months ago I picked up some Lagunitas from my local bodega on a Sunday afternoon and immediately upon cracking open the first bottle and taking a sip I knew something was very wrong. I looked at the date label and turns out I was drinking an 18 month-old beer. So now I (a) always check the date on beer before…
The Nets do objectively suck ass, but tickets to their games are like minor league baseball levels of cheap and Barclays is 15 minutes from my apartment, so it can still be a fun time to go watch them get their asses kicked by a better team.
Jfc there are so many fascists in this country who are just desperate to join the SS so they can put non-white people in their place. This dude can eat shit.
The high ponytail and also everything else about her is kind of part of Ariana Grande’s weird as hell “sexy baby” routine, so it’s probably a plus that actual grown-ass adults can’t pull off the look.
Sure, this season is already lost but that just means that (1) I have a lot more free time on Sunday afternoons, and (2) next year when the Giants have more or less the same draft position they had this year they can actually draft their next franchise QB, who will walk into a team that is absolutely stacked with…
Angela Duckworth’s book is about the psychology of how and why some people are better able to overcome trauma than others. And this dipshit is out here invoking it to write about fucking Flyers fans. C’mon man.
Cranky old baseball guys don’t understand what analytics are. I will say though that it seems like the Yankees could do with a therapist or two on staff (or a better man manager!). Severino was mostly terrible after the all-star break, Sanchez had by far his worst career year, Greg Bird essentially flunked out of the…
I’m waaaay more productive when I work from home. My office is noisy as hell and I find it really hard to focus, especially for projects that require a lot of research and writing. But when I work from home, which is more rare than I would prefer because my office doesn’t have a set work from home policy, I find it…
The last time I had a really bad stomach virus (like delirious fever, cramps all over because I had lost so much liquid, just bad news all around), the last thing I ate before the onset of my illness was a Krispy Kreme donut. As I painted my bathroom with vomit, and then switched to shitting my guts out while…