billy crazy

Angry Boys was a significant flop in Australia. In the top five capital city Australian markets it went from 1.3 million (a very high number to premiere) to a low of 453k. So it lost almost a million viewers. At one point Angry Boys at 9.00pm was out rated by the show that followed it at 9.30pm. The Australian press

Well that reasoning is not something I buy. 
Thomas himself said:
"They told me it (the switch to ABC2) was a compliment. I don't believe them," Thomas says. "I don't know if what they were really saying was, 'Josh the show is a bit s—-' or, 'Josh the show has too much suicide and gay sex in it'.Read more:

Interestingly this  show was commissioned by ABC here in Australia and
then bumped to ABC2 digital. The first time that's ever happened presumably
because it was considered a failure. Thomas is known as a panel show comedian here with an irritating put on accent which is certainly not Australian despite being born and