billy boy

*converts Simpsons references into three cents* Let the good times roll!

I've heard that, plus the theory that men having children at older ages affects it (combined with the diagnostic issue you mentioned). I'm obviously not an expert, but it is interesting.

I think they saw your avatar and ran away, screaming.

Fair enough.

I've always assumed that what I see as a "horizon" could just as easily be a hallucination foisted upon my brain-in-a-jar by the evil genius Lord Lucan.

But even if both are on the rise at the same time (and thus correlated), it wouldn't prove anything. You could take anything that increased at the same time and make the same illogical causation argument re it and autism. Correlation doesn't imply causation, so there'd be nothing to disprove.

old cum hoc ergo propter hoc

I, um, yes? *tries to look like he understands but nods far too quickly, is spotted for being a fraud*

Hey I know I should just look this up myself like a sucker, but what is their argument regarding autism? Is it simply that autism has been on the rise during that years that immunization has been on the rise, thus magically turning correlation into causation?

Whatever doesn't affect me in the slightest can only make me stronger!

I got a sock full of penises notification for this?

Your honor, I would like that last pun striker from the record.

All of those names are comedy gold: Ariaga! Ariaga II! Variaga! Anuclea! Beefsalsa!

That kid who played Walt Jr. on Breaking Bad was dyno-mitte. *walks slowly and majestically into bubbling tar pits*

His tiny eyes give him the upper hand in all banjo duels.

That's arguably an unfair generalization, though of course you are entirely within your rights to make it. *billy boy rolls up the rim on his Tim Horton's cup, loses again, sighs quietly so as not to disturb anyone*

Fuck My Swampy Thang: The Movie

Not if you sass it properly.

In keeping with the pointless spirit of this tournament, let me unhelpfully observe that all of the reviewers who voted for Community were male, whereas there were both male and female reviewers who supported The Good Wife.

♫ Meet the new snark / Same as the old snark ♫