

In California I heard suicide knobs. And whatever they are called, they're illegal in California.

GM explored the fecal color ranges in the later 70's to early 80's. Here's a deservedly crusher bound 1979 Buick "Regal" in a baby poop brown.

I have sat in the driver's seat (and made vroom vroom noises) in Vijay Mallya's (I've never met Mr. Mallya):

Seriously, a Euro transportation initative named SARTRE?

The big stars all go to Willows, CA. A town that makes Fernley, NV look like a thriving metropolis. The only thing to do in Willows (and I am serious) is go to the Walmart.

Very nice! A key component of the Jalopnik ethos is quantizing the addiction.

Those Home Depot mounts at least look stronger than what Colin Chapman thought was OK back in the day.

Excellent point below from Admiral Awesome.

It's been supressed by the mainstream media, but back in the 60's, gangs of overdeveloped school girls (a result of covert USDOD experiments with milspec steroid laced Dubble Bubble) would roam the leading auto shows of the day and make young men stand pensively off to the side while they took over the displays.

Legendary... the Offy I'd say is #1, and many other worthy contenders for Top 10.

@Turboner: Excellent advice, and soon I shall apply it. But... the Spec Miata is a rental whilst I shop for a street/track Miata of my own. So street practice yet.

I thought the bar might be set at heel and toe for can/can't drive a manual! Should be another option.

@RS2North: Too bad. Rs2 is a great wagon.

Wagons Do Rule!

@ttyymmnn: I am personally offended by your comment because you beat me to it!