
Life like painting thousands of year ago: porn

Was this not true for both VHS and Hi-Def DVDs?

So while Bioware gives up on story-focused RPGs AC is becoming a story-focused RPG?

I was picking up more 2001 and Interstellar

I think whoever greenlit the script should be given a party for daring to play with the milieu and delve into some self-critical examinations of the standing paradigms of space wizardry.

I think about this a lot - I work with a lot of hardcore good old boys Vietnam era conservatives. I make sure we never talk politics, but I find it interesting that we rarely get each other’s humor. I can’t think of a single conservative I know who I think is hilarious (on purpose). I don’t know what it means but it

The Marx Brothers were hardcore leftists. Hell, ‘Marx’ is right in their name.

TL;DR version: not all humorless dicks are Conservatives, but most Conservatives are humorless dicks.

Here’s the thing - it’s not the left or the right that’s bad at comedy. It’s that people who suck authoritarian dick all day don’t have the perspective or intelligence to make interesting comedy.

Keep Gal Gadot and start the rest over.

Joker works best in small doses, leaving his appearances to actually mean something. Of course DC Cinematic doesn’t understand this, they don’t understand anything about the characters under their control.

Suicide Squad was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I’m just done with the DCEU as a whole, barring some kind of hard reboot. I’ll admit, I did catch Wonder Woman on DVD and it was pretty excellent. Patty Jenkins fucking knows what she’s doing.

Did anyone ask for this? Seriously, when did we decide that people just want a fuckload more Suicide Squad Joker?

I actually kind of did too. Just remove the tattoos and grill.

You mean it turns out many manbabies problem with TLJ was more to do with the diverse cast than any supposed “ruining” of the lore.

Now playing

Wherever this music is playing, it is safe.

Corvo Bianco is just another feather in the Witcher 3 cap of excellence from that game. Just the attention to detail is spectacular. I loved just walking around it and taking a tour.

Weekend Box Office: No go for Solo show, low blow as Disney’s beau loses glow.

A disappointing DC movie?