or gorilla tape...
or gorilla tape...
Does it support tables yet?
I read that headline as "Pizza Helps You Get to Sleep Faster" and I was like "No kidding, is there anything pizza can't make better?"
But still can't play video...wtf.
In other news, so is my Cell Phone. Oh, you needed some iPad pageviews? Never mind then, proceed.
And as a longtime Android fan who just left iPhone 4 for Thunderbolt and has previously owned an OG DROID, Incredible, and iPhone 3GS...I can tell you that I couldn't life in the iWorld anymore.
I would stick with running Froyo from SD for now. That is the most stable build, flash n all and you simply reboot without card to get back to stock. The CM7 (gingerbread) is coming along, but still some issues. I would not recommend HC until the AOSP drop from Google after which a proper build will be possible.…
Oh christ - are you serious? I guess you would not be comfortable with CM7 nightlies then!
@loriensleafs2.0: I hate this layout too. Using ca trick helps, as does spending time at non-Gawker sites. This is awful.
@cjoricj: It would most likely be a dual mode worldphone like several of the Blackberries on VZ. They have SIM slots too.
Without a mobile app, Digsby is worthless compared to trillian.
@jdale: Yes, because they would never pass that along to the consumer!
@Yeah!: Lighten up Francis, the war's over.
Why didnt they use a non-reflective screen on this?
@The Squalor and the Fury: Will never understand why. Subscription model FTW.
PLEASE put Metro on a tablet MS. I will buy back in to the ecosystem, I promise.
@wætherman: Yeah, they don't compete at all. Eeeesh.
@rashad123us: But...can I get it in white?
It's not the check cashing we need to fix, it's the check writing.