
Crammed it up our butts?

/exaggerated wanking motion

I feel like this is how some people used to act about not knowing that the law used to be “Even is off.”

Now... no one remembers.

This game along with Golden Eye nearly cost me a college education.

I see where you are going.

One thing is abundantly true about Penn State these days. The University is seemingly addicted to bad PR.

Both... most likely.

Toronto will screw it up.

I came here just for this GIF.

That is some serious bullshit.


Jury? There is not going to be a trial. This gets pleaded. There is not trial happening here. There is already a confession... in public.

Wearing Nike... company man all the way.

Did so long ago... you are right but they crossed that tipping point a long time ago.

Let me drink your tears of disappointment!

They did for years but generational changes is aging it out.

Taking a dump and pushing off the towel is miraculous only on the sense that he made weight AND didn’t end up in the hospital.

There were a shit ton of people not okay with it at the Super Bowl either... People freaked out for a long-long time and that was coordinated by Jackson.

This ain’t that...

So that man’s reputation was destroyed. Why would anyone take a job there? The money ain’t worth it.

It is not your story to tell. She is dying. She told her story, her way.

I do not think it needs our judgement.

Needs a bottle of Stop-Leak.