
Vader by a mile... this is so obvious.


I don’t think Taylor Twellman any credit for not dropping “fuck” 30 times during that segment. He kept it together better than anyone I know.

Cocaine... in Miami? Get outta town.

Is this even the same car at this point?


Always have good backups and then tell the hacker to get fucked.

I still miss

I wonder how fast I could accelerate if someone threw $1.5 billion at me.

How the hell do you define “won?”

Rubbin’s ... Err ... Pealin’s racing.

Everything he said was right. Yet... You are being dismissive of Lalas to what end?

Steve Sarkisian and Kerry Collins?

Man... I want to go drinking with that ‘04 Raiders team now.

You are not being too hard on them. Frankly, you aren’t being hard enough.

Pirates fans are rubes and I am one but this has turned the faithful into a hostile bunch... Well at least until Piratefest comes around in February and we all get to do this again.

It was a different time.

The lack of fan submissions on this team says it all.

Also, why has Fitz remained so loyal to this franchise? It makes zero sense. They have abused what is arguably Hall of Fame talent. I don’t see him getting in but if he were with a competent franchise, isn’t it far more likely he would?

Oh WTF? March?

/not killing the messenger

/exaggerated wanking motion

I feel like this is how some people used to act about not knowing that the law used to be “Even is off.”

Now... no one remembers.