
Redford seems to have hoisted us by our collective petard 

Everything I’ve ever read indicates that one of the major reasons this is even remotely possible is that getting your license in Germany is far more difficult than we can comprehend here in the US. Driving is still more privilege than right as it were. Also the police will bust your ass for left lane camping, either

Oh so its funny when they fall off the wagon, but not when I do?

cf. The Pawtucket Red Sox, soon to be Worcester Red Sox. They have done a quite successful grift as part of the “revitalization” of downtown. 

Millennials are killing rural poor America and minor league baseball - NYP, probably

Reducing the amount of teams as the answer to the question of facilities not up to par reminds me of the bathroom situation in many of the old stadiums.

Plus, since the Libertarian party did tons better than the Green party did last election, the safe bet for Russians “grooming” would be to push there.

If Hillary Clinton wants to troll Gabbard, I’m fine with it.  Fuck Gabbard.

I mean, she’s not wrong. Plus, calling for Hillary to enter the race (presumably to split the vote and further diminish the Dem’s chances) really doesn’t help her in the “I’m not a Russian asset” department.

Yes, you are. If you do not wish to do so, stop using services that have tipping. Otherwise, as I always say, work on a solution but in the meantime you still gotta tip, bitch.

Sure. How hard can it be to hire 48,000 new employees at once, and then train them to build cars?

Why would you be ashamed? That’s a smart thing to look for! 

I had a 2019 Yukon rental last week and the visibility was exponentially worse than the 2008 model I used to own. I felt like I was driving an MRAP.

I’m sort of ashamed of how high “good visibility” was on my list of priorities when buying my most recent car.

The first sentence wasn’t really english so I tuned it up.

I guess we’ll have to take their word for it that Kim Jong Un scored 10 goals, 5 touchdowns, 8 homeruns and 15 wickets.

Silent Violent Haze is also the name of the new Ben and Jerry’s flavor specifically marketed at the lactose intolerant.

American unions are necessarily adversarial. They don’t have a seat on the board and have little to no control over how their company is run. Because of this, they are forced to focus on getting their fair share when the opportunity presents itself.

Yes! Smoked sea salt is my go-to for the salty dark chocolate balls I make during the holidays. (note: Not “schweaty.” I don’t need Alec Baldwin and Lorne Michaels giving me any grief.)

Let’s see if this posts correctly.