
Slumlording is really diversifying. Used to be it was dominated by the same sorts of middleman minorities who owned liquor stores and ripoff dry cleaners, but now black folks are finally getting in on the business.

I live my life by a simple code:

For those curious...

If you do 4th and 15, there’s no surprise from it.

Multiple soltions.

1) Get rid of the kickoff altogehter. Punts instead of kickoffs and you have 4th and 10 or 15 from the 35. Studies have shown punting is far safer than kickoffs. That way you still have somewhat of a surprise effect.

2) Drew’s idea of moving the

Republican, Arizona, Morman, human trafficking, defrauding government programs, somebody’s hitting conservative nutjob bingo somewhere.

Smart Summon really needs a Morgan Freeman voiceover like “Now Miss Daisy, you know you ain’t allowed to drive no more, even if it is just down to the Piggly Wiggly.”

I think we’re underestimating the real heroes for Washington in this situation - Dan Snyder and Bruce Allen. By concentrating the suckiness of DC sports into a fiery black hole, they make it possible for other area teams like the Caps, Nats, and Mystics to have a window where success, while not assured, is possible.

It wouldn’t be the first time a bunch of Catholics burned a female leader.



They do post corrections! Last year, there was a Final Jeopardy clue about “Manchester by the Sea”, but was erroneous in asking for “the first Best Picture winner to be produced by an internet streaming service”; Amazon Studios was a distributor, not a producer. It didn’t affect the outcome, but a clip was added

I vote to actually make these names canon.

Though the athletes of today are certainly superior to those in my days; we miss the clean cut white young men and women from those days.”

Don’t you have parents or girlfriend who’ve told you those shoulder length dreadlocks look disgusting and are certainly not attractive…

That’s a very good question, and perhaps a bit of both, though the character in question was definitely a main character (if not the main character, though she’s often rendered silent). In fact, it seemed her plotline was very much set up to be the most climactic one. However, I—and several other black female audience

Was the resolution not reached due to oversight or as some point about the issue being too intractible or complex for within-time resolution (a common play for main characters, as their problems get the most attention and therefor nuance, and a common enough message that I’ll call it the “cowboy walkoff”)?

In an interview in 2006, with a government funded nonprofit: “so this is super illegal to ask, but do you plan on getting pregnant any time in the next 5 years?”

The backhand comments give it away. I was not explicitly fired for being pregnant; however, I was beginning to show around the time of annual bonus. I was explicitly told for months I would get a bonus and it was always understood to be a large part of compensation (law firm). The owner of the firm kept putting off my

They most certainly have that right.