I am not-young and, like you, had some Catholic schooling while an adolescent.
I am not-young and, like you, had some Catholic schooling while an adolescent.
To paraphrase Ted Williams, “If you don’t president so good, you shouldn’t president so much.” Maybe him not having time to president is a net less-negative (I won’t call it a “net positive.)
I like Jim Sterling. He could show our Nitely Network Nooze folks a thing or two.
Huh. I thought Spirit was just a hatch, like “rear end of the Gremlin but done nicer”. Thanx.
Somewhere in the afterlife John Brinkley, quack and huckster extraordinaire, is wondering, “Was I born too soon?”
I am old enough to have had my license (motorcycle, at least) when this car was made. I don’t recall ever seeing one with a half-vinyl roof.
Who’s driving?
Left-handed, so my right ear is my phone ear. It’s especially noted when PBX phones usually have the handset hangup on the left side.
I expect a stern brow-furrowing from Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) any minute.
“It’s like The Real World meets Kon-Tiki, in a Skinner box!”
I wonder if there are nights when this boy, Kal-El,
The remake / homage was pretty neat too.
Wow. Sincere (no snark) thanks, and I goofed up. That’s pretty funny.
In that I believe Goldberg can despoil anything he touches, yes. But I have no conclusion made up about her.
I’m too tired to make a joke about how Peggy Noonan, David Brooks and Tom Friedman manage to not run into a single bodega clerk, cabbie, or dry cleaner who disagrees with them.
Okay, talk to me like I haven’t been to an airport in 20 years. (Cos I haven’t.)
I know nothing about Pamela Reeves. That she’s married to J Goldberg, specifically, gives me doubts, so I asked if anyone knew, specifically, about her work.
My wife [Pamela Reeves] advises Melinda Gates on gender issues.
This guy’s image would have come out less worse if he was just some drunken idiot Warriors fan.
Throw in a Powerpoint slide on a tablet and we could call it “disruptive motivation”.