Billy Pilgrim

I am sooooo thankful for this right now. Basically we get a KDot Mixtape to go with the BP film?! When in my wildest dreams did I ever think the biggest name in hip hop would be namechecking T’Challa? A tremendous hip hop compilation.

How are Amy Pascal and Avi Arad producers on this giant piece of Meh but also on SpiderVerse which makes me explode with delight. Is it just straight cash?

Let me ask this in all seriousness. What is the point of this piece? Someone tell me cause I can’t figure it out.

Lolz [obligatory consent joke here]. So, he could corroborate [at least part of] her story? Cause you know it won’t be long before the “Fayke Noos” folks start coming out from whatever bog they lurk in.

Good Lorde was that a great show. The only misstep was the clunky neon-batman armor, but that can be easily remedied. This is as significant as the upcoming Black Panther film in terms of representation and meaningful storytelling in superstories. If this is where we are starting, the sky’s the limit. I’d love to see

Holy Lorde was this great! The script, acting, stunts, soundtrack. Heck even the foley was awesome! In one episode it took the lessons learned from Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl and ran with them. Focus on the characters. Make sure you know what story you want to tell and stick to it. Take cues from the source material

The X-Men have been defined by two distinct ideologies: Optimism and Pessimism. I think the scene between Polaris and Eclipse was one of the most “X-Men”y things I’ve ever seen. They both know “innocents” are going to die in this fight. The question they’re both struggling with is whether to definitely kill or

I will love this as much as anything. What I’m intrigued to see:

Check off “colorblindness” on your bingo cards folks!

Wow. Your response here is a case study in “what happens when you make a racist mad enough to drop their facade of decorum”. Congrats!

Fans after seeing Red Sparrow trailer: “Marvel’s so dumb for not making a Black Widow movie. I’m totally gonna see this!”
Marvel: “Wait u guyz! We are totally making a BW movie! In, like, 3 years.”
A huge misstep for the MCU

I feel like this is a little tin-eared racially as well. He’s black lightning not the Invisible Man. I intend to watch the entire hell outta BL, BTW.

Ok. I am conflicted very much. One the one hand, CWs supershows continue to be Adorkable (TM) and the chemistry the leads have is lovely. CW totally knows what they’re doing down to having Barry scarfing BBB combo.

In seeing their parents for who they actually are, the Runaways are faced with the daunting task of making sense of their own identities. Each comes to a different conclusion about who they are individually, in relation to their parents, and in relation to the chosen family of their team. This also includes the

Old Lace was nearly pitch perfect. Those practical effects were magical!

I always thought of Ultimate Universe as an Elseworlds. It was always a “like 616 but a little different” which made the takes on different characters interesting to me. It always made sense that the “classic” storylines would take place, but have a few differences that allowed the narrative to change as needed in

A coupla things:

DelToro in agreement.

There’s so much lyrical density here that I’m gonna spend so much time unpacking, but I read the lyrics both from T’Challa’s first person perspective and also as a metaphor for vulnerability and humanity. This movie is trying to take ALL my money.

Taking bets on how quickly it’s canceled though. I’m glad this creative team is getting work (cause I love them all) but am already resigned to either picking up 6 floppies (plus the inevitable Gwenpool Cosplay Sketch Variants) or just waiting to buy the TPB. My Marvel Excite-o-Meter (TM) is out of juice at the moment.