Billy G

My money would be on Los Alamos, NM.  All of it.

FYI, The Center for Biological Similarity is located in West Virginia.

Dafuq you doing in the middle of nowhere in winter anyway?!? - Snowmobile Guy.

That Ferrari has less engine than a 2018 Camry.  

What do I want Pence to do? Stop acting like a smarmy holier-than-thou fvckwad. That’s what I want Pence to do.

That’s what those little hairs in your nose are for.

The 1990 Kawasaki Ninja thinks that duct is just plain silly.

Uhhh, no.  Prolly too late to delete, but no this is not an appropriate comment.

He wants to grab HD by the pvssy, but they need to lift their belly for him first.

Harley Davidson is being SELFISH, not thinking about how their actions will reflect on our Dear Leader. How could they NOT have seen that relocating jobs overseas isn’t a good look for Mr. Trump, and more importantly how could they not CARE about our President’s feelings.

Even for STABLE GENIUSES who know WORDS.

Mmmm, Logistics.  Whispers of manifests, how to secure the cargo, strapping down unruly pieces of naughty cargo, that’s how to seduce an actuarial.

Rust is a bitch.

I too just came

In the end, truckers are fvcked.  Especially long-haul.  And ultimately I’ll trust a computer vs a human on the road late at nights.

Why not? What could possible go...<visits youtube>...

Some people like hard problems.

That’s what they all say