Billy Buddhole

A stat line like that and good photoshop skills gets you into USC.

Go to your room.

+1 killed mockingbird

He was Drew the Gray. After his battle with (the Balrog? for all we know) we believed him gone forever, but he has returned as Drew the White to help us destroy Sauron.

I’m such a Deadspin fanboy that I hate Barstool Sports despite the fact that I’ve never visited their site.

This happens more than you'd think. More so among National League owners who refuse to employ designated hitters.

Then, Trump will participate in a town hall on opioids in Las Vegas, Nevada.

It's truly sickening that no matter where you go in this thing, there's literally nobody who is actually on the side of the victims. This woman should be ashamed of herself.

If you are minimizing a failure to protect children you are a bad person- full stop.

Funny how these organizations that are supposed to defend interests of the athletes seem totally uninterested in defending the interests of the athletes.

That’s just not true. He endorsed Hillary at the 2016 Democratic Convention and then campaigned for Hillary on the road. It’s not fair to confuse the behavior of some Bernie-or-die supporters with the actions of the man himself.

Didn't he travel the country campaigning for Clinton?

“Mike Ogren” sounds like a rejected name from a Chris Farley skit about eating paint chips.

The handjob was coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!

As long as they scrubbed out the names, it’s not a FERPA violation. Deeply shitty and definitely retaliation under Title IX, however.

To be fair, sounds like he has this part down pat:

Oh hell no. This is an utterly indefensible position. There is absolutely no reason for a coach to do this, regardless of gender.

I went out drinking, and somebody puked on my shirt, then shit in my pants.

What a fucking liar, just look at the guy.  Obviously it was the deep fryer.