Billy Buddhole

I’m always impressed when a book makes me think less of the world and everyone in it. Congratulations, La Fermenta!

Really, they need to defund education entirely to ensure the success of future leaders of the innovation superconomy.

Quit trying to humanize these guys!

I want to propose a special new milestone: on their 19th birthdays, kids are encouraged to burn down their social media profiles and to begin again.

“The stunning nature of his election convinced most people — including me — that he was playing a sort of three-dimensional chess, executing a strategy that seemed crazy on its face but turned out to be crazy like a fox.”

It really is. The way it builds? It starts with that nice feeling of typo-detection and then becomes something else before the a-ha moment sets in. This took me on a journey!

This is interesting. Can I ask why you think the Dems will get the house?

To be fair, he seems an expert on lacklustre personalities.

I think it might be hard to be the Secretary of State or any of the other real jobs.

“It’s true, I guess, as long as you assume that anyone making below the median income needs to die.”

And isn’t this secularization of something spiritual sort of like the war on Christmas that is ruining the world?


I’m relatively new to the US — moved here in 2011 — so I just don’t know how to think of these oily fuckers. Is this the sort of thing that happened in other administrations? Is this familiar from the Nixon or Reagan or Ford or the first Bush administrations? Is the sliminess of Trump’s administration novel or is it

Does it not bother you that this homogeneity kills kids? You’re just saying, “Welp, kids are dying. C’est la vie!” That’s fucked up.

We should get O’Reilly involved for the wackest rap battle in history.

This is admirable and these young women are enormously impressive but the best part of this story is that it will cause the best meltdown at Breitbart. California? College? Abortion? Women with ideas? Andrew B would have another heart attack if he got within 50 feet of this story.

But how many games do you need to cut — and how much stadium revenue do you lose — before a rando schmo like me is willing to spend money on a game because it seems important? And, on the other end, I don’t really like baseball but I go see it because it’s cheap and fun. It’s only cheap because the Jays play a

I don’t know that I believe what you’re saying but I’m totally convinced. Do you have an MBA?

They look like The Real Housewives of Paranoid Xenophobia.

I want to make a joke at your expense but I worry that you sincerely believe the things you believe. I mean, what is remotely acceptable about the assumption that a non-white person is a person whom real Americans are allowing to be in the country? It’s just transparently racist. It’s possibly the purest and least