Billy Barty

I wonder if what transpired before the video started to roll changes the situation. I ask because from what I see on the video it seems to me that Indya Moore was the aggressor in this situation. I understand her feelings but how would we feel if the reverse had happened? 

America is right for once. Onions have the same texture pretty much no matter which way they are prepared.

Well you see, Amy Heckerling doesn’t have a penis and therefore cannot be at fault. At least not here.  

Keep your politics out of your recipes please.  Don't tell me I'm wrong, or hateful, or scared because I support traditional marriage and a Christian viewpoint.  How about you show some tolerance!  Sorry - not directed at anyone but the author (or other intolerant liberals).

Not all of them are bad (trust me, I know), but I totally get where you’re coming from. I think most of the problem is that, as in any society, the worst ones are the ones who stand out the most. It also doesn’t help that many of the actually good Christians are afraid to admit that they are Christians because they

Actually, that was exactly what Jews believed. They were not supposed to marry outside their faith or tolerate other religions because whenever they did that, it inevitably led to sin and corruption, as there were a lot of messed-up religions at the time. Jesus spent lots of time with the lowest of the low in society,

In the Old Testament, it said stuff like that, but in the New Testament Jesus said to love those people and pray for them. A lot of stuff in the Old Testament seems to have been a sort of phase before Jesus came, and there are certain things that people were supposed to do then that Jesus later told people not to do.

It’s not hatred, it’s just saying that that is not something they believe in. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to hate people who aren’t Christians or people who don’t live the way the Bible says you should. It says to love them anyways and pray for them. Anyone who claims to be a Christian but acts like a jerk

It seems like a rather empty gesture to me, given that most businesses aren’t telling their employees they’ll get a free pass on committing criminal acts.

Wendy’s can improve working conditions and safety for their employees all day long, and that isn’t going to improve conditions for the aforementioned farmworkers in anyway whatsoever, as those people are not employed by Wendy’s.

The people that DO employ those workers, however, would almost certainly find it very hard

I didn’t know Wendy’s was responsible for protecting farmworkers from crime.  I thought enforcing law was more of a police thing, not really a fast food thing.

That would be BRILLIANT.

It was forced. It just seemed random and out of place. I mean, it was 2 female characters that stood out in that final fight. Scarlet witch was the only one to go toe to toe with Thanos and scare him into calling for backup. And Captain Marvel (as much as I dislike her characterization and actress) came in at the last

Totally not my issue with that scene. Love the female characters, but having all of them abandon their respective positions in the battle for a photoshoot felt hamfisted. Bro power is never really a thing, its heroes being heroes together. The fact that scene was so very clearly girl power oriented ironically

Lots of companies we support are doing WAY worse things.

> But the moment you try to curtail other people’s right to do something that isn’t hurting you, you’re a bigot and need slapped down permanently.

But i can just avoid you, remain unslapped, and stick with people not trying to slap me?  This is my point:  There isnt some new social order where “We” (as in, all of

> Some of that money, in turns, goes to groups that actively work to deprive LGBTQ people of their basic rights and dignity.

This is an overstatement, but thats ok. “Depriving LGBTQ people of their basic rights and dignity” (If thats what you choose to call “Funding youth sports that disallow gay coaches”) is not a

Its just a chicken restaurant, and people are allowed to oppose, or support, gay marriage. Chill and have a chicken sandwich, or dont. Just leave the zambonis alone.

CFA stopped donating to Paul Anderson Youth Homes in 2017. It says that in the linked article about CFA in the zamboni story. And the CEO can personally condemn something if he wants, but the organization isn’t actually doing anything.

It sounds to me like you feel the companies decision to value money is more important than their CEOs decision to fund anti-lbgtq organizations.