Billy Barty

I offered to donate money to GLAAD. That is the organization I intended, which is why I said GLAAD and not GLAD. You are suggesting that I am somehow wrong and intended to donate to a completley different organization.

I never mentioned my personal beliefs, but feel free to jump to conclusions if it helps you label me as a “bad, evil bigot” in your head. Just so you know, though - I have a child in the LGBTQ community and have nothing but love for them. It is ironic to me that the people most likely to judge and assume are the ones

You are nuts. It is clear to anyone with eyes that if Biden is elected he will be the puppet and Harris will be the de facto president. Whether he is removed from office due to mental decline or passes away or whatever else, everyone knows that Kamala Harris is Trump’s real opponent. Stop pretending it is about her

Why argue over semantics? That’s like if I said “My favorite vegetables are green beans, tomatoes, and potatoes,” but you said “Tomatoes aren’t vegetables. They are fruits. And potatoes aren’t vegetables. They are tubers.” Technically you might be right, but you just look like a tool for correcting something

That doesn’t work, though. Maybe you didn’t read the whole comment?

The Cathys, who own Chick-fil-A, don’t think homosexual marriage is valid in the eyes of God, o the catch-all “marriage” doesn’t describe their ideology.

It’s like if I said “They donate money to a cheetah refuge in Africa” and you said “How about just

Please provide proof of this. They’ve been sued for discrimination, just like every other company out there, but I don’t think that’s problematic.

Let’s do the opposite, though. What if a conservative applied at Planned Parenthood, complained that they kill babies, then sued them. What would you think? Would you say

Your intelligence level is showing...

Wow! That *is* a discriminatory practice!

No, wait... It’s not. They are free to run their training however they want. And you are free to feel butthurt that you had to listen to a Christian rock band. And they gave you a free book you didn’t want to read. The horror! No wonder you are bitter!!!

Chick-fil-A hires anyone

I use the phrase “traditional marriage” because I refuse to use whatever phrase is acceptable this week (but will get me caned next week). Should I say cis-gender marriage? Hetero marriage? Male/Female marriage?

Up until a decade ago, it was the “normal” mode of marriage. Thus it is “traditional” as in “it has been a

holier-than-thou attitude and discriminatory practices”

You are a shill. The company doesn’t pretend to be “holier than thou.” They don’t even really say much publicly. And if you can point to a discriminatory practice - an actual one - I will personally donate money to GLAAD. They don’t discriminate in hiring, nor do

Oh, but “buffalo” wings are definitely made from buffalo, right? And barbecue sauce is cooked on a BBQ grill. And french fries should actually be called “fried potato sticks.” Hamburgers should be called “ground beef patty sandwiches.” And...


This pizza sounds awesome, but I balk at the phrase “real cheese made from mozzarella.” Made from?

They’ve lost me as a customer now too. But maybe “middle-aged white guy with five kids” isn’t their target demographic...?

As PedanticEditorType said, you are incorrect. The tender is the piece of meat directly under the breast filet. And most “boneless wings” are made from chopped pieces of breast meat, not tender meat. Chicken “strips” are also usually breast meat.

Nuggets are different too: they are, most often, compressed bits of meat

I always liked the ones that had color-changing spoons to eat the cereal with.

It might not cause breast cancer, but it does kill human babies.  That’s something.

Read what I wrote (in my original post) again. The BLM *organization* is headed up by Marxists and has Marxist ideologies listed on their website. You can say “You are wrong,” but I’m not. The proof is right there.

As mentioned by someone else, the phrase “black lives matter” shouldn’t be controversial. 99.9% of people

Sorry, I actually work, so I hadn’t been back to this page yet today. I had no idea you were waiting for my “bitch ass” to respond so impatiently. I have responded above with a link to an interview with one of the founders of BLM. I hope it helps.

Not only does this article make it clear, but they are for the dissolution of the nuclear family and the raising of children by the “community” aka socialism:

Google is awesome: