billy and the cloneasaurus

You stop being a chickenshit, stop pretending that anyone will ever care how “nice” or “respectful” to the other side you were or will ever pay you back in kind, and fucking force them to take the bad option if they really want it. We’re talking about a Republican Party that is ripping itself apart because it can’t

You chose the date, accept the responsibility that goes with it.”

Dehumanization of non-whites is one of our current social norms. Seems these books hold up pretty well.

But the only Earth creatures with more than two eyes are invertebrates. Not a single vertebrate- mammals, fish, avians and herptiles - has more than two eyes. (With the exception of the octopus family.)

Quesada: Hey, Dan, so good luck on Iron Man!
Slott: Thank you, my liege. I see Bendis made MJ a supporting character, can I keep her around, maybe — ?
Quesada: No.
Slott: No?... But she’s like a really interesting and fleshed out character, and the fans love h—
Quesada: I’m sorry, what I mean is: fuck you, no. You tried

Cix, chill. What you’re describing is called a camera. They’re found on laptops, phones, and all manner of device without the expensive, bulky, and cumbersome weight of the Kinect. Microsoft could have bundled a really nice camera system for the XBox One for video chat, and everyone would have been fine.

The same thing he always uses for that purpose... the mirror.

I said: Hop. In.

1970s. Lead paint was EVERYWHERE.

I believe that Snyder is going for baroque here.

I believe that Snyder is going for baroque here.

If you’re not the only one, can you take the others off in a corner and all of you shut the fuck up and let us enjoy something?

Sometimes kids are welcome at even the dankest of pits.

Cool story bro. Let me know how the “I let kids watch me feed a puppy to a turtle to demonstrate that life is cruel” defense goes for you.

But not much difference between a dog and a pig,

Id recommend the blogger Driftglass for continuing and encyclopedic coverage of this sort of nonsense. But yeah, this is ridiculous and our “elites” will allow the trump presidency to be immediately put down into a blackhole and referred to as Trumpism and not conservatism (on the assumption he doesnt make himself

This comment is the peak self-regarding douchebag. Guy commenting on pop culture website looks down upon notion of commenting on pop culture with haughty, superior disdain.

The point is that most people do see Jim as a picture perfect rom-com star. How many Tinder profiles say “I’m just looking for my Jim Halpert?” All of them, that’s how many. But in reality, Jim is a mediocre-at-best spouse, friend, and employee who gets by on a handsome face and an ability to avoid confrontation

While I agree that No. 17 literally changes everything! I am compelled to point out that with Reason No. 12, the author DESTROYS those who question the veracity of his/her claims with a single word/paragraph/gif/screenshot of a tweet! And let’s not forget about No. 9. I daresay that, in writing No. 9, the author is al

Wait, you forgot to read Reason No. 17. It will blow your mind!