billy and the cloneasaurus

I need a probability percentage on that before I can be bothered to click the link.

Oh, dear sweet Nic Cage, no.

Still better names than Rumor and Scout.

Wait a minute. There's no Congressman "Less Moore"…!

What would happen if any of them were bisected?

So, filled with syphilis and meth?

Why? There's always water open somewhere!

That's one of my favorite celeb quotes of all time, and possibly the main reason (outside of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels) I'll always love Michael Caine.

Billing my own campaign—the best campaign—we're gonna, we're gonna be doing the best jetting. Absolutely.


Goofy contestants could be eating KFC on a private jet. Sad!


Out of the way, bitches! I got me an evening with JAWS: The Revenge dead ahead!

Out, damn'd spot!

Ha! Classic Werny.

"The restroom is all around you! USE IT!"

I hope you packed a lunch, or all you're getting is heroin and hookers.

Even Herzog respects the Circle of Life.

She was playing unpopular X-Men villain, The Mannequin™.

Is this the engineering course that teaches us how to drag a ship over a mountain?