Happens to us all.
Happens to us all.
You're off YOUR case, Peterson!
See you, Space Kaiju
When you actually wind up in hell, you'll at least know why.
It's a refreshingly direct approach to destroying buildings, rather than gaudily stamping "Trump" on them.
But the Principal's office called about Godzooki AGAIN, and Mrs. Zilla's been trading sexts with that Ghidora dick! She even calls him "King!"
Ahh, nothing better than quotes from quite possibluy the worst season!
He had some (yard)work done recently, yes.
Anyone else hate that Swamp Thing looks airbrushed?
You spittin' fire just like him!
Mein soufflet…!
Ooh, BAM it again, Elzar!
You mean Chet Haze?
Not randomly. Systematically.
A little MacLaren-on-Danvers action for ya? I'm in!
There's no expiration date on her fresh sexiness!
Fool! That's my cosplayer stunt double!
Or Elizabeth Banks in my bathtub? Work with me here.