billy and the cloneasaurus

Sexily noted!

I prefer the title, "Translocational Logistics Expert."

I assume it has to do with all his prematurely cancelled shows.

"It's the vote economy, stupid."

That was funny, and therefore not at all convincing as a Jeff Foxworthy impression.

I love lamp.

I'll downvote to ease it for you.

He's one half of Flight of the Conchords.

What'd you say?! I'm up on the 11th floor watching the cruisers below!

Plus, you clearly know nothing about gear. Those cables suck balls.

Calm down, that was a long time ago.

Larry Johnson, go fuck yourself as hard as you possibly can.

The spiders were from Mars, not Mercury! Idiots!

Does it ever!

You ain't kidding. I'm starting to go blind from it!


Oh, everybody says that to Cincinnati. We're just being nice, it's been having a really hard few weeks.

Typical professor, making the assistant prof do everything.

I can arrange that!

If he can't take the Heat, he needs to get out of the kitchen now.