Little Lebowski Urban Achiever

Wait are you saying a game probably isn’t enjoyable unless the reviewer specifically uses the word “fun” in the review? Because that’s a really bizarre way to navigate the world.

I was so looking forward to this game, but I don’t think I can bring myself to play it right now. We said goodbye to our cat on Friday night. Lymphoma was very aggressive and we didn’t want her to suffer anymore. I was so looking forward to playing this with her in my lap.

Now playing

Here are the songs in case you can’t remember what they sounded like:

Sunshine remaster would be cool!

As far as remasters go, all I ask for is a Super Mario Galaxy 1+2 collection.

Sorry, Infinity Engine purists—the combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 is entirely turn-based.”

Does anyone really actually prefer the old infinity engine real-time-but-you-can-pause system? Sure, it’s fine when you’re under level 3 and all you do is just attack and maybe cast magic missile once. But after that it’s utter chaos and I just end up pausing every couple seconds because I’m not an AI that can control

Congratulations! You have correctly identified that I am stating my opinion on something. Well done. A+ reading comprehension. Have a cookie.

I am so over the whole concept of “games as service.”

I'm going to probably be in the minority here, but I didn't get Once upon a time in hollywood. I didn't dislike it, but it felt empty to me. 2+ hours of nothing much happening, followed by five minutes of horrifying violence and then an uncomfortable ending. The detail was stunning but in hindsight countless scenes

So, then, you realize you just described the “Metroid” structure that’s part of that portmanteau, right?  “Explore, find road block, explore elsewhere, find solution, go back.”

It’s weird that for a positive review, this writeup seems determined to give us the feeling of a negative review, even ending on the “ominous” idea of an overabundance of good video games using a great mechanic. I suppose being late to review this, the writer wanted it to stand out a bit more? Just an odd tonal

I believe they are saying that while this game is good, it derives a lot of that good-ness by imitating systems from other games, and there is a risk that since they have made a good game with this formula that will make them money, they will now repeat it until they run it into the ground and make it not fun anymore.

How I know you actually played the game:

I’d like to submit Skate (any of main entries). That’s usually how I wind down in the evening. Because the game is essentially one giant free skate with a solid soundtrack, you can just zone out and nail some sweet tricks.

Just depends on what kind of high you end up with. I used to like playing Splinter Cell while stoned because it slowed me down and made me play more stealthily, as well as made me a little more patient.

I actually think Outer Wilds is excellent while high. I started the game while stoned and the combination of scenery, soundtrack and characters really captured me.

I have a lore explainer on the way that will also help ease people into the world, while avoiding major spoilers.

Kind of a shame the lockpick and hack mini games aren’t there. Especially lockpicking, in Skyrim I could pick locks way above my skill level because I was good at the mini game.