
lol, na. you are the minority here. The song is slow boring trash. Or you are 14

you need help if you care that much about who a celebrity dates

Every young generation likes to look back at the older generations younger days and glorify them. When i was in High school in the early 2000's it was all about the 80's and bringing 80's fashion back. Now the kids today look back at the 90's like we looked at the 80's and want to bring all those trends back. You can

Because dirty water reflecting a green light doesnt nearly get enough clicks or isnt click bait enough

its a 6 cylinder....

so its basically a slightly larger FR-S with more power? hard pass. for some reason i think the FR-S/BRZ body looks terrible.

in the end its all cringe, so what does it really matter?

you can get a tiny 64gb thumb drive for cheap nowadays, enough to hold plenty of ps1 games

But they are the antagonist of the game, and i love how all the SJW journalist when from praising this game because they thought you were playing as a black female and then did a 180 talking shit about the game once they found out they were the villains. It will be like every other farcry though where you will

Its the principle behind it. I dont want some company having access to my every location and routes. 

Thank you for being logical. The acronym seems to add another letter every few months. soon it will be so long that it will lose its meaning as no one wants to remember what all those letters mean. I stop at the Q in LGBTQ

plus trump jokes are just lazy, like anyone could write them and we all know he sucks. Why do we have to have a tv show constantly tell us he sucks too. Make some original jokes and not take the easy way out

Because they are formulated radio rock trash.

Did you talk to him personally and he told you this?

Yeah, because women dont so the same thing. LOL

huh? You can do that. you just held the number you wanted to bind and then click on the item you want to bind to it in the pipboy.

Well for the time (2008?) the graphics were ok, and do you mean the pipboy and dialogue menus? Because those were way better than what FO4 gave us. 

my GF’s chihuahua is probably the most non-chihuahua chihuahua ive seen in temperament. He doesn’t care what you do to him, and never nips or barks at randoms like most do.

Too add to that, people who talk to their pets and then get mad when they dont do what they told them to do. Like, you do realize dogs dont understand English and have no idea what you are saying. They can only associate phrases with certain meanings through conditioning.

I have played plenty of games where i am a different race or gender and never had a problem with it. True crimes: streets of New york you play as a black guy. Did i complain about that? Nope. I never had an issue with playing as Laura croft either. I didnt have a problem because i dont associate the person im playing