
But then that would go against the agenda they are trying to push here and they would never do that.

Because its like dropping a video game trailer at the Oscars. Makes no sense.

Because its a video game and not real life and they are just pixels on a screen that mean nothing.

In the end its still just a regular ass GTR with bolt-ons,a body kit, and some gaudy gold accents.

Not every corvette came with a v8...

LOL, and they men are pigs and only care about sex. This blog is so hypocritical.

You ripped your 6 and 3 yr old’s balls off and fed it to them? Damn, thats tough parenting.

Out of all the zombie games out there, Dying light 1 is probably the best ones. One of the few games to get my heart pumping as i am being chased by a fast zombie, or i am stuck in the middle of a giant horde. Id recommend giving it a try.

FO4 was so watered down and was definitely made for a more casual audience. Nothing compares to NV

I am just saying that skipping out on any past games that are fun because you cant play as a female or non white person is the stupidest thing every. Its just pixels on the screen, it means nothing.

You really care that much on what gender your 3d model is in a game? Did you skip out on mario because you can only play as a male? Not playing a game that you know will be fun but dont want to play it strictly because there is no female or non-white male characters is the dumbest thing i have heard. I dont care who i

I did play that one, but the story was so bland and it was basically FC3 that i completely forgot about any of the characters in that game.

So some hoe playing a black women makes the game more fun? The last good FC games was FC3 as everyone after it has been a clone copy. What makes you think that playing as an opposite sex and race will make this a good one? Also, i didnt realize people cared this much about who or what the character looks like in a

So you held out on FC games this whole time because you play as a white male?

That borderline straight up gambling and im sure R* would be in big shit for letting people pay real money to play digital poker online. Or they do it and no one cares because loot boxes are already borderline gambling and no one cares about it.

Just another reason for me to hate fortnite.

Good luck trying to view it when its all set to private and friends only.

Why? because he doesn’t sugar coat? His comments hurt because they are true.

yeah and its all free and i dont pay a dime.

Good luck trying to view it when its all set to private and friends only.