
To be fair, thats just a cartoon and no one should be offended by that either. But i get what you mean, the FCC will allow that but a naked body that everyone has is some how blasphemous.

Being offending by a nude human in general is really stupid when you think about it. I mean its not like its something we have never seen or will see. There is nothing offensive by seeing a nude human

still applies. Slot load and play both standard size and mini disc.

FWIW most cd drives can read both size disc, even the old cd trays in pc’s have the slots for standard and mini disc. Had an old sony camera that used the same size disc as the GC and never had an issue with any device not accepting them.

way to fight racism with racism.

You can easily turn off and on what quest you want to do to hide that stuff.

Then why dont you become a video game programmer and work for bethesda and fix all the bugs on day 1 since it sounds so easy. Fixing bugs isnt some simple process that involves clicking a button.

At the same time, mostly everything is digital now so the added cost of packaging and creating the disc is baked into the price even though it doesnt deserve it. Back in the day it made sense as to why they were 60-70$. But now we are paying the extra for no reason. only sometimes does a digital download let you get

With steam you at least have the option of an open market where you can sell your obtained items, or outright buy the ones you want for a premium. Games that dont even offer that are a bigger ripoff when it comes to lootboxes

The thing with lootboxes is that it is usually all cosmetic and doesn’t affect gameplay, whereas booster packs for say MTG have the chance of giving you a really good card that will give you an advantage over your opponent. And just like the lootbox model (at least with the steam market) you have the option of buying

Yet, on this blog anytime a male is sent to prison for something terrible, all the women on here make jokes about him getting raped in prison. I guess it really only matters if its a female.

you’re so badass!

New vegas was made by another studio though. This is basically the same type of game NV was but online. Ive been having fun playing solo. 

It is grossly exaggerated and the people that are upset at the game are the ones that thought this was going to be fallout 5. Bethesda never releases a game from the big two (fallout and ES) so close to each other and they always alternate them.

Yeah the performance models are fun to drive like the type-r, Rs, and speed3. The base models are slow and boring turds.

Why does a corolla need to be fun? Its a crap econobox like the civic,focus,mazda3. Its a cheap 4 cylinder for people who just need to get from point a to b and dont care about the journey or much about driving in general.

When you’re an adult, everyday can be Halloween.

You could say it about every holiday though. Why do we need one day to dress up and eat candy when we can do it everyday? Why do we need a day to give gifts when i can give someone anything any day.

The sandwich is free, but you still have to pay door dash to send it. so not really free

You mean you dont enjoy a musical performance or dance choreography before you see a game trailer? Always though those two things at E3 were so cringe, I just want to see the game. I dont want to see someone play some ancient style flute or guitar.