
What were you expecting? A fallout 5? Why would you think they would release another full fledged SP fallout game when FO4 came out only like 3 years ago? Bethesda doesnt do that with their core games, they have always alternated them with spinoffs in between.

keep in home or furry conventions. dont come out in public dressed as some humanoid fox and expect people to be ok with it or accepting. and dont compare this to being anti LGBTQ too, because the two arent even close to being similar. 

the micro transactions are for cosmetics only, so there is no point in buying them or even complaining about them. 

cosplay though is dressing up as someone or something from a comic or movie. Being a furry is just for people that cant be themselves in person and have to hide behind a suit to interact or they have some weird bestiality kink, or there’s there ones that make their furry persona into someone they aren’t and draw them

id rather neck than do that.

homophobic? how? Lets take kinks for example. I am all for people having the weirdest kinks, but come out in public wearing ass less chaps and ball gag? And i will judge you. Being a furry is basically a soft core, SFW kink.

do whatever you want in the comfort of your own home. But when you bring it out into the public and try to act like its normal and everyone should accept it, then it becomes cringe. Especially when they make animal noises.

still a cringe furry though.

Fun fact: “Dead” the former lead singer from the black metal band Mayhem is in this music video. Hes standing behind him at the 4:25 mark. He then later blew his own head off with a shotgun.

Its still just a mustang, nothing special.

A mustang is not that important to car history LOL, its just a ford muscle car. Now if it was the #1 Model T made then yeah i could see you claiming history. 

You can live in a house, you cant do shit in a car. A house is a lot more worth saving than a car.

umm,wild fires move fast, like really fast. 2 mins is a lot of time during a wildfire.

Its still just a car no matter how rare or ‘historic’ Its not worth using manpower to save cars from burning when people are literally burning.

huh? I see scaly skin like a lizard on both, especially on the two charizards scenes

well they are animals, and pikachu is based off a mouse. I doubt any other the charmander or squirtle variants will have any fur as they are reptile based.

in the end its still just a car, a piece of metal. Its not like this is the last mustang on earth. and its not like there will be detrimental effects to the planet if it gets toasted.

How so?

He is a redpiller because he doesnt want to play with women? I am no Ninja fan by all means, but only wanting to play with males is a perfectly fine stance to have. It doesnt make him a alt-right red piller or toxic. Now if he said he doesnt want to play with them because they suck and men are better, then i would say

weaving at 90 is a lot different than weaving at 140...