You are so superior
You are so superior
ugh women are such pigs, just a useless random nude scene just to fulfill some female fantasy.
That is a terrible analogy as stealing the car is actively taking the product away from the original owner meaning one person is still left without a car. Downloading a ROM doesnt prevent the next person from owning the game. Your example was as good as the “you wouldn’t download a car” PSA
im talking in general and not just strictly for the classics consoles.
I was using it as an example and it was a pretty bad one. Ok what about the more obscure games that arent on the classics consoles or on any shop? Are those games just unplayable now due to legality? Or do i need to goto the nearest resale store and buy a used copy just so i can say i can legally own the rom? Who…
So tell us where we can buy new copies of older NES or SNES games? Because buying them from a brick and mortar resale shop doesnt help the creators of the games at all.
You care enough to comment on ever response that claims PC gaming is the superior platform (it is)
A retropie is a lot more portable than a PS4 or XB1 and the retro consoles are limited to a handful of games whereas my Retropi has the entire systems library. I would not want to play any other games like any FPS’s on a couch with a controller.
Because i like to play them on the couch like a regular console. Its also really handy to bring to hotels.
So how would i go about playing/paying for games where the company who made it does not exist anymore? Buy a used NES and NES game? How does that help out the creator? The only person getting my money would be the person selling the retro equipment. I cant really go out and buy a new copy of Super Mario world anymore.
Cant really be a fanboy when there isn’t one company that controls all of the PC hardware unlike MS or Sony. Sip on that console koolaid some more, maybe it will help wash the salt from your mouth as you are dipping down into the 20fps range during a lot of onscreen action.
nice rebuttal
already converted my of my friends from console to PC players. Once you see how much better PC gaming is and the limitlessness of it you will understand. Have fun playing on your locked down machine that plays at a buttery smooth 30 fps.
Again, a lot of the companies are not even around anymore. And Sony is the only one getting the $$. Id rather not give them anymore.
That is the only sensible option when it comes to buying these stupid overprices retro machines. I have the entire NES,SNES,Genesis,N64 and PS1 library on a single SD card that plays just fine on my retroPi
so you enjoy playing only like 12 games and never having the ability to swap them out?
i do
who cares about pirating 20 year old games? Most of the companies arent even around anymore and no one is going to come knocking at your door because you downloaded a ROM of ape escape. And why limit yourself to only a handful of games that cant be changed out? My RetroPi is the best decison i have made when i had the…