Bill Smith2

There……an up vote for you..

I stated my point.. My avatar is a dead give away to what I'm all about.. I go where the liberals are, wherever that may be..

Oh, yeah.. I forgot this was the internet, where no one has a TV, no one receives a tax refund and everyone has a 6 figure income (did I mention that I was an astronaut millionaire cowboy??)..

The information presented to me was on a world wide level and universally, not personally.. We all get the same Disqus page the same, from the initial sign in.. Yours is #1 on top right now.. I only responded this time because you post was so stupid, posted on a stupid story..

Pick up a newspaper that isn't written by liberals..

The most PROFOUND opening ten minutes in movie history!! It should be played every day in school, right after the Pledge of Allegiance

Anyone that can't name both of their state's US Senators without having to Google them first should also be laughed at…….know your's??

Marker? Yes.. That in this digital age there are those that are so out tune with what is going on around them that pages like this exist to begin with blow my mind..

Go on…….

That you've received 32 'up votes' for what you've posted is utterly astounding…..second only as to why there is 33 people (plus the 260 that commented) even looking at a story like this to begin with..