
Still nothing.... Wait I’m feeling something.... No. That was just a fart.

No, seriously. You really need to pull yourself up. A D- was being over-generous. I read your comment and felt... nothing. It’s for your own good.

A+ in ending a question with a period, doh.

I have serious doubts as to the veracity of your statement and your ability to contribute anything meaningful in this world.

I give your troll game a D- at best. Lazy, insincere, and completely lacking commitment.

Now is the time for a new internet. Sounds like something the IETF might be able to do.

Great title. Really cuts to the chase.

Ajit Pai is a slick ass attorney that knows better than all of this. He’s against Net-Neutrality, of course, but knows that he has to stay within Federal Guidelines of the FOIA.

I don’t have the time to dig up the original thread, but that was my point. However, while *technically* that is a distributed denial of service, it could not be considered a “DDoS attack” as it was not an intentionally malicious, coordinated effort, by a bad actor. The FCC’s excuse at the time was that it was an

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Again, I’d love to hear from the person who so vehemently attacked me when I suggested, months ago, that the FCC was full of shit about this “attack.” Funny how those folks never read the follow-up pieces....

The covert misogyny is a nice touch, too.

The current administration wipes ass with optics.

Man, I wouldn’t mind seeing this Idjit Pie fellow ridden out on a rail.

I dunno? Optics?

why would he care? He’s not an elected official. He’s doing the job he was appointed to do: line the pockets of the rich.

As someone who’s recently started dipping his toes into FOIA lawsuits:

So the FCC is trying to make this Gizmodo is #fakenews

Gizmodo has all the receipts in this situation. All the e-mails, the FOIA request and denial. How did Pai think he was going to spin this?