
Where I work, you’d need to say “Ms. X will be joining us today”...Full Stop...Anything after that is going to get you “Talked To” at the least. 

Everyone should do that. (I have never FaceBooked myself).

Both U.S. astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts initially used pencils on space flights, but those writing instruments were not ideal: pencil tips can flake and break off, and having such objects floating around space capsules in near-zero gravity posed a potential harm to astronauts and equipment. (As well, after the

Still not the same, other than the flame at the beginning of this, nothing is moving while the rotating effect is taking place. True “Bullet Time” has subject motion + rotation.

“I moved on her like a bitch”....What does that even mean anyway??

They have been known to smash them from time to time though.

You need to “Police” this thread...You are being “Concern Trolled”...And pretty hard too.

^“Concern Troll”^

^“Concern Troll”^

Always liked Jeff as a coach...But to this day I have no idea what he thought he was going to do out there that night. :)

You are not “censored or restrained” from saying exactly what you want to whomever you choose...But the people you say it to have an equal and unalienable right to not like what you said, and tell you so. If you run your own business the customers that you gave your opinion to have the right to not like it and then not

Nonsense, voting for someone who cannot possibly win is not going to “change the status quo”. The evidence for that statement is seated in the Oval Office right now. The “ruling elites” (whoever they are) are not “limiting the playing field”. Most folks don’t vote Libertarian or Green Party because they are somehow

Yeah...That was nice :)

And they normally hunted these larger animals with a group (many, many arrows), and very often would have to follow a wounded animal for many hours or sometimes even days before it finally fell.

If it’s any consolation (It’s not). Your offense did win that game (Your #1 wideout should have been MVP)...Then your coach inexplicably lost it for them (see Pete Carroll 2015)...Has he been fired yet??  

If it’s any consolation (It’s not). Your offense did win that game (Your #1 wideout should have been MVP)...Then

Welcome from Buffalo, NY! You’ll survive :)

Welcome from Buffalo, NY! You’ll survive :)

I used to put up with/skip past the goofy music just to get to the actual reviews that he used to do. Now it seems that he basically just talks vague crap about how he feels about the car...And I have no interest in that.

These are all race cars...No one in a street car is going to be throwing their car into corners fast enough for these huge wings to be of any use to them.

Have to add the “spare tire carrier” trunklid to complete the look :). Saw quite a few of those way way back when you could actually buy a Beetle.

What IS that actually?