
It would also make putting on pants damn near impossible :)

Hey, your link is down...It’s the “Sullivan Ballou Letter” for anyone who cares to “Google” it, and yeah, it’s amazing.

The National Command Authority consists only of the President and Secretary of Defense (two man rule). If the Secretary of Defense does not concur the President may fire the Secretary and proceed with the strike..That’s it. These rules were put in place during the “Cold War” years because there may have been as little

“Button”=No....”Whim”=Yes.....This is exactly the awesome power we as Citizens have placed in the Office of The President of the United States...However the people that made these rules always envisioned that whomever we elected would be of completely sober and deliberate judgement. For example, a little while ago the

While I agree that LeBron James is in no way qualified to be President, if you are honest neither is Trump. And if it had come down to a choice between Trump and James, I’d have pulled the lever on LeBron in an instant. At least Mr. James strikes me as someone who “knows what he doesn’t know” and would probably

I never thought Trump supporters were “dumb”. I believe Trump supporters are hateful and/or self centered/lacking empathy.

You are honestly comparing BLM with the KKK? That is so disingenuous I’m not even going to try to state the glaringly obvious differences between the two. Why should African-Americans feel afraid? Your President-Elect has the glowing support of pretty much every Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist or “Alt-Right” (What the

I’m sorry but that is incorrect. That S.O.P. you speak of is only to prevent nukes from being launched without the President’s order. Only the President can direct the use of nuclear weapons, The President has unilateral authority as commander-in-chief to order that nuclear weapons be used for any reason at any time,

Ok, how does low cost/free college, universal healthcare and a $15/hr minimum wage (all admittedly “liberal” agendas) “control” people? 

That “3/5 of a person” thing didn’t come until the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention. And that was only for determining a state’s total population for legislative representation and taxing purposes, not actual “Personhood”. Black people were not legally “people” until after the Civil War...They were not

I was going to write a post agreeing with your plan until I realized that it wouldn’t work....If you went back to the ‘50's, you’d have to go back dead broke....Any money that you brought with you from the present day would immediately be suspect as counterfeit and you’d probably be arrested (Your time machine better

I believe you are confusing Old School “Hip Hop” with so-called “Hardcore” or possibly “Gangsta” style rap. Other than the possibly controversial (then) idea of a group with no instruments other than a turntable, I can’t think of too many 1st Gen Hip Hop tunes that couldn’t be played on the radio back then because of

I have graduated from electrical tape to disabling the camera in “Device Manager”. Seems to work pretty well and I don’t have to keep replacing the tape when it starts to look bad.

So true....Some try to cover it with coffee....Just makes it worse.

Sometimes the weed just makes you even more paranoid.

The effectiveness of the “Detox Drinks” varies with the body fat percentage of the individual using them. If your are slender they work pretty well, if you are “round” then it’s kind of hit and miss. It definitely wouldn’t help if you used the day before.

I think the “/s” applied to the whole post.

You can drink hand sanitizer?....I mean without vomiting or going to the emergency room? 

Apologies in advance for the dumb question, but wouldn’t mold be more likely to become airborne when dry? Asking cause I just rehabbed a house that had it in one room, it was all soaking wet from a roof leak so I didn’t see any issue with me just ripping down the drywall myself (no mask) and pitching it out. Still not