
Very well written response. I was going to say to “Crawfish” that what he was saying was correct, unless it actually IS racism that prevented the promotion. You just did that way better.

That’s because his “frank response” was pathetic. If what he were saying were true shoudn’t the slaves have been white as well? Use your head man.

The same folks here saying that casting Scarlett was ok are probably the same ones who completly lost there minds over Finn and Rue, Thresh, and Cinna.

I am still waiting for someone to explain who/what will be liable when the inevitable fully autonomous wreck happens.

So brainwashed.

Their “line” is diferent than our “line” I believe.

That’s not “Duct” tape, looks to be electrical tape actually.

I guess you are right about that. I was just trying to accent the supposed reason for this development. Yes an A.I. car would take the steering wheel out of the hands of stupid/untrained/impaired drivers and so would definitely make the roads safer for the rest of us. However it's also going to have the side effect of

I am not saying that this is the sole reason. And being able to relax a bit on a super long drive (in my car) actually seems like a great idea. It's just that in recent memory I have seen so many everyday jobs disappear that common folks used to earn a living doing. At first cashiers disappered, now traditional

It certainly would if I were making a direct quote from the article and that quote contained a period...I was not, so it doesn't. It actually belongs at the end of my sentence..Right where it is.

Truck drivers actually took away the jobs of horses....The horses still thank us :) Seriously though, guys that were running the horse drawn wagons pretty much just became the first truck drivers when the technology became "practical". They only humans put out of work were the ones that either could not afford to

Yeah, true. There are deadlines that need to be met but as a driver you are only allowed to run 11 hrs. a day...Period. Some dispatchers will try to pressure you to keep going but at the end of the day it’s YOUR license, not his or hers and they will not be spending one minute in jail for you or giving you even a

Actually, no. My Mom started out as a "clerk typist" in the 50's. After some time they went from typewriters to large punchcard style computing machines. These then morphed into even bigger computers with huge tape drives. And finally into the recognizable tan IBM desktop PC's by the time she retired as "Programming

I have already seen what some of the companies are proposing. One truck in the lead, driven by a human with a bunch of semi automous rigs following in convoy behind. Yeah I know that truck driving isn't the greatest job in the world but it's still a decent job that a whole lot of folks do today and we surely don't

If that's true they are spending millions of dollars to take away another decent paying job from people under the guise of "making driving safer".

So...No answer for proof then?

You DO realize that you can actually read for yourself online what the slave states themselves said were their reasons for secession don’t you? This way you don’t have to rely on what someone else wrote or told you.

Ok, cool. Thanks for the clarification. I had thought you were stating that the folks there couldn’t have a good time cause of the theme.

Now, again, we have two options here: 1) Jesus was indicating that not everything written in the Old Testament necessarily needed to be followed by modern society, or 2) he was genuinely upset that the Pharisees weren’t killing their children.”

Ananias & Sapphira were not required to give ANYTHING. Donations were voluntary and they could have kept or given as much or as little as they wished. They wanted to be regarded in the same way as some other members who had literally given everything they had out of faith to the young church (Barnabas for example).