
These writings are NOT in the Bible.

But what if they ARE “lifting and having a good time”?

Everyone already knows that :)

Wow! Honestly, did she not seem a little “crazy” when you first got together? Or did you just figure she was “offbeat” and “quirky”. I am asking cause in my admittedly limited experience “offbeat and quirky” was often just a thin blanket covering up “crazy”.

Does the menial job pay the same?

If you are using “straight set match wins” in tennis as an analogue to “knockouts/tapouts” in MMA those figures are hard to find cause I guess WTA just considers wins and losses. However I managed to find a record of her matches and their scores in 2012 and started poking through them looking for the number of

Seems they’ve deleted all their posts since you’ve mentioned them lol.

Thanks for the definition, I read the update and was confused by that.

Replacing the laser on the 747 with one of these would be a vastly better idea. Yeah, I know you'd probably have to aim the whole plane towards the target but the standoff distance would be awesome.