“That’s no moon, it’s a space station. There’s a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port.”
“That’s no moon, it’s a space station. There’s a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port.”
Yay for completely unnecessary global warming machines?
In the end, it was not guns and bombs that defeated the aliens, but that humblest of all God’s creatures, the Tyrannosaurus rex.
Yup. It’s told from the xenomorphs POV. Buncha face-huggers hanging out... all of a sudden a ship lands and they start getting pushed and prodded.
“a group of young people on a distant world, who find themselves in a confrontation with the most terrifying life form in the universe.”
We’ve got a lot of respect for a director who wants to rip that Band-Aid off and do the stupidest thing anyone can do: Show Ridley Scott their movie.
It always amuses me just how much internet writers and twitter X underestimate how much most people absolutely do not care about being required to hate something because Mel Gibson is in it.
Did Braveheart run away? Did Payback run away?!?
For someone who hates Mel Gibson, this review is obsessed with saying his name as much as possible and giving him a lot of attention. I know, extra heapings of snark is required on this site, but it would have been so much better to simply say “Why did they cast that jerk?” and never mention him again while you…
But there’s no way those other shows would drive this level of engagement. Fifteen comments with essentially no replies? You can’t put a pricetag on that level of discourse.
How, how, HOW could you compile a list of worst TV series finales and not include the last episode of the hospital drama St. Elsewhere, in which the entire show is revealed to be the fantasy of an autistic boy staring at a snow globe? Jen Lennon must be too young to remember a show that ended in 1988, but her senior…
My overall thoughts was that the season was good but a bit disappointing. I don’t think the showrunners did a goob job establishing the threat that the zombies were because they were barely in the show at all. The side characters were uneven, some were compelling and others weren’t. Joel and Ellie bonding was great.
Yeah I usually just scroll right down to the comments. Again, force of habit.
I don’t mind insights about some, even many, beats of the episode’s plot. But when they just do a multi-paragraph recap, I’d rather read a summary.
I try not to be too harsh, because in the current media landscape I’m sure these writers are under all sorts of insane pressures regarding deadlines and engagement and who knows what else. But, at the same time, criticism when done right can be an interesting and thought-provoking genre in itself, and this isn’t it.
This review reminded me of the text-box you see on a lot of Wikipedia articles: “This section may be overly detailed.” Listing every beat of the episode’s plot one after the other gets tiring to read, and aside from saying that Bella Ramsey is “credibly American” I have almost no sense of whether the acting is good…
As bad as Woody Allen? I love Woody Allen movies, except for the little nervous guy that’s alway in them.
there was that boat in Rise of Skywalker, but like most of us we forgot everything about that movie.
With the way Hollywood’s brightest stars rushed to coddle Chris Pratt last night, you’d think the actor had been accused of sexual harassment by a D-lister or something
“Ruby Ashbourne Serkis, who shows up here as well”