
Alright the cons have convinced me, this is snowflake BS

Why do automakers insist every EV must, inside and out, look like a concept car from the 1970s World’ Fair? Just put an electric motor in a stock Civic and be done with it.

Not enough to stay

In other words

But he can recognize you anywhere between being a newborn and being 100 years old?

It’s in the defense of the staff at Stadia who were blindsided. It wasn’t entirely unreasonable for them to think this might last a while, even if it wasn’t particularly successful

In their defense though, Google equally keeps stuff around that should have been killed off a long time ago. Google Plus should have had the plug pulled years before it did. Google voice still exists although I doubt anyone anywhere uses it or can even define what it does, same thing with Hangouts and who knows what

I suspect they’re staying quiet on thenature of this project because they have no clue what the final product will be. They saw that season 5 of Cobra Kai drew massive numbers and the show overall has been super successful so they’ve greenlit *something* for a theatrical slot to strike while the iron is hot.

Am I understanding correctly though?

Smith, who spent the decade playing iconic characters, like The Doctor, Prince Philip, and Charles Manson

I remember Viper. From the same era (maybe made by the same people?), there was Night Man. The titular hero drove around in a Plymouth Prowler.

Does Pokémon Go really even qualify as AR? It took the gameplay and overlayed it on the camera preview. But was it analyzing the surrounding in any way?

No, you’re thinking of Mulder’s partner on X-Files. The character from Avatar was named Jack Tully

Still no long press for punctuation?

There may be some other factors here as well.

If Toei filed a lawsuit against him in Japan with its “less robust” interpretation of “fair use,” it’s likely he could lose.

G/O Media, compensate your employees

I always thought the weight brag was about the car grabbing the road more. Especially with a lot of older cars with shit aerodynamics that actually tend to get a bit of lift at higher speed instead of being pressed down .

Clint not only knew who he was, he was genuinely concerned about confronting him. Whether or not the Netflix shows are in the same universe as the MCU, this Kingpin has clearly been a part of the universe for some time.

After watching through all 6 episodes I feel like I need the cliff notes version. This entire storyline was incomprehensible.