
I really like the idea of Sunday meal prep for the work week but how safe is that. Is food cooked on Sunday and refigerated all week still ok to eat on Thursday or Friday? Is there anyway to cook protein (chicken especially) and then freeze it and still have it be palatable after defrosting?

Because she know that in 5-10 years someone (probably Emma Watson or Stormy Daniels) will be up for a best-supporting-actress Oscar for their scathing portrayal of her.

Do you have to do it immediately or do you get a buffer period where you can backup photos and messages, transfer logins for other websites that currently just use your Facebook account?

I’ve seen a couple comments about why this doesn’t work on devices that are both relatively new and have the enough interactivity. The issue isn’t about input or what version of any Netflix app you’re running. The issue is how the on-board memory of your player is configured, and the unusual way Netflix utilizes it.

I bet a whole pizza Alanis cheers when Bambi’s mom dies

Don’t rush to pay off loans or credit cards, it will hurt your credit rating”

I got this a lot in my late teens and early twenties.

What does this actually mean? Society isn’t going to load $6 trillion of cash into a rocket and blast it off into the sun. It’s $6 Trillion of smaller transactions over time, as one person or entity requires something and another person or entity provides it. AKA an economy.


Do they even have servers at Country Kitchen Buffet?

Fortnite on iOS. You’re start the game in an area, you collect weapons and everyone is invincible. After 2 minutes you’re out of there and skydiving with your team, the weapons you collected are gone (so what was even the point of that last part?). Then you finally get to the game, you die, don’t respawn, and wait for

What’s going on with these price drops? Is the crypto-bubble bursting? Did the gpu manufacturer’s ramp up production? Or is NVidia getting ready to release the next-gen.

What’s going on with these price drops? Is the crypto-bubble bursting? Did the gpu manufacturer’s ramp up

Kate’s right on this one, coast-to-coast, unless your bar of choice is Applebee’s then IPA’s dominate the menu

Yeah, but would you want to apply that to your face?

How we’ll miss

And Leon’s getting laaarrrrggger!

my thoughts

Depends, if you’re 10 and can’t cook you give her candy and make a card with crayons and construction paper. If you’re 26 and can’t cook you apologize for being a dimwit and offer to take her out to brunch