All of the people in the top story are all adults, let that sink in.
All of the people in the top story are all adults, let that sink in.
This doesn’t make a damn bit of sense. If you are a man who seeks out sexual encounters with other men, you are not straight. You’re not gay, necessarily, but you are not straight. Only having heterosexual sex is the definition of straight.
If I see literally one penis (that isn’t mine) I will turn gay immediately, it’s science!!!!
I don’t think anyone here is claiming to be paragons of morality, but it is like, so easy to not draw swastikas and then take pictures of them.
The next patch has an option to remove headgear! So hype.
I like how people are getting their digs in at Nashville (hillbillies, toothless, other clever insults) while there’s a story literally right at the bottom of this piece about a TV station in New York also getting it wrong.
Go outside.
No one hates vaping if people do it to quit smoking and they’re not being dicks about it, it’s the people who vape in restaurants or other usually-nonsmoking places and send giant clouds of foul-smelling vapor all over the place who deserve the hate.
The “rape fantasy” tweet is real bad (literally read the book to dispel that with a quickness) but the rest seem pretty benign. What am I supposed to be mad at?
I like the book and the first episode of the show a whole lot, but the very nature of Gilead is ludicrous. The only people who are apparently allowed to breed are the ruling class? Like, I get that’s it a brainless theocratic dictatorship, but it seems odd that a country/society with a shortage of babies would…
No one is talking about those women. They are talking about a rich idiot who spent some of her family’s infinite wealth to modify her body to look completely different, and then had the gall to sell that lie as empowerment by claiming that her body was “natural” and that she was “proud of her natural curves.”
The weak-kneed idiots trying to dismiss criticism of Scientology as “bigotry” or whatever or trying to draw equivalences between other religions can really go fuck themselves.
Bullshit. Read up on Operation Snow White and tell me they aren’t violating anyone’s rights. And this wasn’t done by an extremist sect of a billion-and-a-half person religion, but by the establishment leadership of the church. Don’t sell that equivalence garbage.
Like it or not, Miley Cyrus with the short blond hair looks a lot like Madonna in the header pic.
Explain why you believe the Cherokee Nations have a case.
Paul Ryan is such a shameless boot licker that I doubt anything the Trump administration does bothers him, as long as he gets to be in power for a little longer.
Can we extend this to asking the Democrats to have a coherent policy going forward, period? Asking them to focus on one thing seems like a pipe dream when they don’t appear to care about anything at the moment.
lampooned for being faithful to his wife....”Dude, you’re fucking afraid to eat dinner with a woman.”
It must make right-wingers secrectly furious that this is the best they can do when it comes to famous people.
“Proud”? Of what? Being born white? You really worked hard for that!