This was my thought, too. For all the vicious, horrible shit Azaelia Banks has said about other people, her vitriol for Trump seems pedestrian.
This was my thought, too. For all the vicious, horrible shit Azaelia Banks has said about other people, her vitriol for Trump seems pedestrian.
Great. One of the dumbest shows on TV is also the most progressive. Great optics.
Fine, don’t vote for him and let a third fucking Bush or that hideous goblin Walker take office. There are some great candidates for black people.
Tyler needs to grow up or change or something. The other OF guys, Frank Ocean in particular, have made some fantastic art in recent years and Tyler is still tweeting in all caps and whining about people criticizing his last album (not in this story, just in general).
Alright, we’ve taken the bait.
There are Outlander books past the first 3? Who knew?
There are Outlander books past the first 3? Who knew?
This is him from May 2015, so use your best judgment.
I am convined Showalter is wearing padding for the show.
Boo hoo.
I’m not familiar with the inner workings of the gaming biz all that much, but is the hard pivot to mobile gaming an inherent death knell for Konami? From the little stuff I’ve read it seems to be a profitable venture in the short term but falls apart eventually (but inevitably).
If we rounded up every single local radio/morning show DJ, stuffed them on a rocket, and fired it into the sun, would the world really be worse off?
I think you may need to relax.
Don’t worry, a lot of young people don’t know who she is either.
I think the joke is that she’s a total non-entity that someone (it’s unclear who, I guess her very dedicated agent) is trying to make a Thing. She will never be a Thing.
Never doubt the power of good PR. Before the ACA, something like 99% of Americans approved of birth control. And yet, here we are.
This proposal is equivalent in many ways to “humane” slavery: the system justified by the lack of shackles, the families kept together, the spacious sleeping quarters.
As others have pointed out, everyone should read the actual petition because it is (rather dishonestly, and for no clear reason) not linked here.
Whose side do you take in a beef between a wuss and a non-entity?
Plus: woman. Gross!!
I’m a fairly frequent flier, so I feel like I’ve seen it all. One memorable moment was the lady who had a grand mal seizure in the row behind me - it was bad enough that she was having a seizure but the other passengers started acting like baboons when it started happening, shouting and jostling the poor lady around…