Daily reminder Strange Fruit was written by an old, wealthy Jewish man.
Daily reminder Strange Fruit was written by an old, wealthy Jewish man.
Something something charity work
Pretty slick, posting your own tweet from your own Twitter.
I mean, Leigh's right eyebrow in that .gif up there has 10x the personality of Dakota Johnson.
I liked the drugs/booze storyline - she was already awful in every way, so it was like they just ran with it.
Her publicist must be sweating bullets trying to figure out how to make this bland homunculus interesting.
That's an urban legend, though I did hear that one all the time. I don't know why they were banned here, but no college I'm aware of back home had them back when I was in school.
It certainly doesn't help that my home state didn't allow sorority houses to even exist until like three years ago.
I don't know what the etiquette is regarding making multiple comments on the same story, but I really would like some insight on the Teigen/Cassidy thing, because it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
So much stupid in this dirtbag. The Rogen thing is depressingly predictable ("You are NOT allowed to insult anything related to our military, which is utterly blameless in all things with no exceptions."), but for sheer mindless nonsense the "Girl Bye" thing has to take the cake.
As of this comment, seven Jezebel readers starred this obvious troll. Seven.
When I was 18 (just to be fair to myself, that was a long time ago now), I slept with a girl who I knew full well had a boyfriend who happened to be in jail for assault & battery, and she had (I found this out later) just started using meth, but before it was totally obvious (though this does explain the sex…
this is a good comment. I don't agree with it 100%, but it's a good comment.
But he's gay, so it doesn't count for some reason!!!
You don't think it's somewhat insulting that this decision (based on literally zero textual evidence I might add: there is not a single drop of real transphobia in TVM) basically tells cis women that talking about/being proud of their vaginas is bigoted?
The play does not state "women must have vaginas." It is not a transphobic play. It is not transphobic for a cis woman to talk about her vagina. Everything doesn't have to be everything for everyone.
I wish I was wealthy/famous enough to think that healing crystals are what's keeping me healthy, and not the tightly regimented diet/exercise.
I mean, condoms are definitely uncomfortable, but so is herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and that worst STD of all: children.
Blah blah Bieber, the thing about this picture that bothers me is the modeling industry's insistence that women who look like the undead are the standard of beauty we should all aspire to. And I don't even necessarily mean bone-thin, but the wild-eyed, no-eyebrow, scary-teeth look.
This is literally making me nauseous.