I was on board with this post until #5, now I'm on board with you.
I was on board with this post until #5, now I'm on board with you.
This is my biggest problem with not only this site but huge swaths of third-wave feminism too. Like, the height of empowerment is... having sex? Something that most people would be doing anyway. So revolutionary!
But I'm not a big fan of the whole trolling/dog piling phenomenon that seems to be the instinctual impulse in situations like this. I am horrified when I see people whose opinions and values I respect get trolled or dog piled by Internet brigaders who want to "shut down" opinions they don't like. The tactics are…
I don't like anonymous lists of "here are some names; they are rapists because we said," but for fuck's sake this IS NOT THE ANSWER.
Your defense (which you seem strangely, or perhaps suspiciously passionate about) is that since Yelp says they're not doing a thing, then they're definitely not doing the thing?
Good call on putting the actual reason the law was thrown out at the very bottom of your article, below several paragraphs of hyperbole.
You fucking don't look, end of story. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
There are a lot of weird assumptions in this post.
If you don't love Janelle Monae you can seriously go fuck yourself!!!!!
Don't get me wrong - I would say there are women out there who are terrible people because they've internalized misogyny. But I think there are just as many women who are terrible in a vacuum.
Your last question has always been intriguing to me. Do women victim blame other women because of some internalized misogyny? Or because some women are just terrible people?
I won't be happy until literally every single person on Earth has at least one thinkpiece written about them by some overeducated English/Comm major.
Looking forward to the deluge of "oh poor MEN" or "we're not talking about YOU" comments, even though in this case your comment is so so important to the thesis of this piece.
I'm gonna reserve judgment on this not because I hate women or because I'm a corporate cheerleader for a sport I don't five two fucks about, but because we've all been burned by fake outrage stories a bunch lately.
I really don't think I'm saying anything that out of bounds. I simply don't see how someone can call themselves a feminist while investing in an industry that takes callously takes advantage of other women.
Anyone who claims to be a "feminist" but follows Vogue or its ilk breathlessly is a filthy hypocrite.
Bit weird that her first pre-album magazine publicity spread is in a British fashion mag.
Um, I feel like there are more relationship states than "single" and "married."
I'm not gonna fully agree with my esteemed grey friends that periods are "just like" other bodily waste, because there is absolutely a nasty gendered stigma about them that needs to go away.
I love Miley Cyrus stories for all the weird "cool mom" posturing: "she's just a 20 year old having fun and exploring her sexuality etc.!"