Billie Holiday La Revoila!

Okay. But the only difference between that and the thoughts harbored, consciously or unconsciously, by any person who is not part of “white people” is the power and history behind the thought. This is not unique to the US or to black-white. Agree that they do not have the same level of social justice urgency, but


Sounds to me like you’re talking about wealth or the lack of, not race.

To you and to all the others chiming in saying the same: Are you fucking serious?

Now playing

No it would be more like Aretha singing over Celine in the Divas show:

Both she and Disick are trying WAY too hard.

Pope’s expression trajectory is EXACTLY the same as Melania’s during this wonderful inaugural moment:

You mean he’s opportunistically redflagging? Quelle suprise.

And it’s not just “being poor.” The population of poor people disproportionately includes those with physical, psychological/mental/emotional or other disabilities of a degree that is debilitating, significantly if not totally. It is a completely different ballgame to go through live with the normal level of pluck

Oh, PLEASE. Just like local news stations, national news focuses more on its population. If you want to, like, know more about the world, quit complaining and go find the information. Despite perhaps not always being “above the fold” in US news (for the reason noted above), it is not in the least difficult to find.

And the meaningful difference is...? I mean, for the rest of the world’s purposes beyond wonking about methodology and level of formal organization (vs. the heretofore-and-apparently-still-now-hard-to-comprehend “disruptive” model of terror groups).

Click on the “World” tab on news sites. Or read non-US news. There is, literally, a whole world out there where big things are happening. You have the power to know about it.

He could, but he’s an elitist. He believes both that he is uniquely (or rarely) gifted and that those folks outside his windows are simply incapable of doing what he did/is doing/has done, and that they could do better if they just walked a straight line for a little while.

I have come, over time, to believe that regardless of any welfare fraud or less-than-amazing work ethics among support recipients, the good to the many who do need it far outweighs any damage done by the fraudsters.

And ultimately, no matter what kind of upbringing he did or didn’t have (and at the very least his was very privileged, and continues to be, so no lack of information or resources available at some point), he is responsible for his own behavior as an adult.

If it’s girls, my preliminary experience is that, for basically well-adjusted and well-cared-for children, 14-15 is a freaking nightmare, but then at the end of 15 they become not only human, but smart and self-possessed and wonderful to be around. Sample size: my older daughter, and my younger daughter’s friend’s

My theory (based on observation of my ex-husband, diagnosed narcissist, whose father was (also, based on my non-professional assessment of his behavior) also a narcissist: people may come with genetic predelictions, but in many cases a determining factor is who and how their parents are, and who/how the child is

You’re just slicing and dicing in different ways. No doubt lots of terrorists are not sincerely faith-oriented; and lots of poor, hopeless people with friends & family who have died don’t become terrorists.

Just as soon as he earns communication privileges in prison, we can hope.