Billie Holiday La Revoila!

If you want medical prices to go down, you need to start first with the providers and with the manufacturers of devices and medications.

They understand; they just want to self-select their population pool to be other people of means and (presumably) good habits and health (naturally, because they have access to healthcare!).

Do we know that they have not tried to get him all kinds of help? He’s a young man, a spoiled brat, and apparently the holder of some anger/mood/personality disorders (wouldn’t be surprised if addiction has been a factor at times)...if he doesn’t want to get better or even try, there’s not a ton you can do. Sure,

And in Valley Girl, hello!

I can’t even find her pretty. I have tried. I’ve looked hard at her pictures, and I just can’t see it.

She’s just a grand-scale successful version of a beauty-pageant mom. She got lucky in marriage; but for that she’d have been standing in a partitioned half-conference room in a Red Roof Inn screaming that noise from the after-lunch keynote speaker at the vacuum accessory sales conference in the other half was too

They would always suck. But for the money, though, they’d be in jail or selling their bodies for heroin.

So, instead of the - generously - 75% of the people there who have a formidale brain, you base your view on the one person you happen to know there who happens not to?

For the most part, the professors are at or near the top of their fields, and the student body is (for the most part) stimulated, engaged, smart and really competitive. That usually leads to an energetic learning environment in which discussions can go far beyond basics. And there are dumb and/or rich kids

No; he is. But if you don’t have a leg to stand make the best of what you have. He tried with a disingenuous citing of a statute that he knew was later amended by a more specific statute. He went for cheap public points. Whether or not she’d pointed it out, in fact the amendment does exist; he took a

No; he is. But if you don’t have a leg to stand make the best of what you have. He tried with a disingenuous citing of a statute that he knew was later amended by a more specific statute. He went for cheap public points. Whether or not she’d pointed it out, in fact the amendment does exist; he took a

She was incredibly admirably restrained by not condescending to explain to him how later, more specific statutes/provisions really almost always trump the earlier, less specific ones. She alluded to it in a very graceful and elegant way, all the more impressive because they both knew this principle good and well, and

Ugh! I had a terrible first-and-only-date with a guy who did this to me. I really like football, and I know a lot more than your average Joe, particularly about my home the topic comes up, and he decides to grill me on every rarely-used play at me and each position’s specific role and on 8th-round draft

She was well prepared.

About 90% of litigation briefs are composed of language-splicing and often tortured interpretation. Dorkalicious male lawyers may visibly salivate with pride when they manage to make a gotcha, but it’s hardly limited either to men or to conservatives: it’s the profession.

It’s not unethical to memorize citations or precedent; it would be unethical to rely on that recollection in giving legal advice without confirming or knowing it was still in effect or applicable.

Let’s be honest: a) he’d have done that regardless of the gender of the person he was showboat-grilling, and b) her zingers were along similar lines. That’s debating - substantive zingers. I really do admire her ability to do that in her very direct but not heated way. She kept her speaking pace the same and her

The suicide wasn’t revenge. She was going to do that for herself, or for her own situation. The revenge was the tapes that outed every one of the kids who had betrayed, dropped, ignored, disregarded, denigrated, exploited or raped her (and the counselor who discouraged her).

Jesus was not a murderer nor a rapist of women and little girls.

Here’s a quote from one of them: “What I did was an act of cowardice; it was cold blooded; it was evil. If the day I was found guilty...they would’ve took me out the next day and executed me, I feel as though it would have been a just execution.” (Don Davis, in an interview with KARK 4 News, which I found quoted in