Billie Holiday Is Back

Well hello there!

I’m with you, and I’ll take it a step further. I double dog dare anybody in the industry to make a verbal or non-verbal statement about Michael Fassbender or Sean Penn the next time they’re nominated. Where were everyone’s balls last year when Fassbender was nominated? He was accused of abusing his ex girlfriend.

This collection looks like semi-homeless youth that hang out at a Greyhound station in Manitoba c. 1989. But on skinnier people.

Now playing

It’s like he raided a Salvation Army for this collection.

Zoolander did it better.

I’m no fashion expert, but I swear to God half of this looks exactly like what my mother was wearing in the 80s and the other half looks like what people were doing in the 90s and none of it looks new or original to me at all. It looks like the stuff I can currently pick up at the Goodwill for $3.50 a piece.

Make sure the CLIENT bowl is filled with CLIENT chow.

Yes. I kind of think this dress and hair is her way of saying, “I’m only here because I have to be.” She was gracious and perfectly appropriate, but this was not a celebration.

Hillary Clinton represents us all today. What woman hasn’t had the experience of celebrating  the man who got the promotion/job she was infinitely more qualified for?

She is.

I love Melania’s look! Great color, great fit, and looks like it’s comfortable and warm.

I was also a going to point out that most of us had to rely on the radio to “discover” new artists and then BUY the music we wanted to listen to regularly. We were basically only exposed to anything else if you were in range of a college radio station, had a cool friend/relative with a big music catalogue you could

Anna wins!