A note: that still life of fruit? It’s fake, you can’t eat it
A note: that still life of fruit? It’s fake, you can’t eat it
I've going and cosplaying at cons for 20 years... Cons today are about 60/40 female. I have never run into a fake geek, and the difference between male and female fans is plumbing.
I appreciate your point, but on one hand it's kinda like depreciating Bach because he didn't write for electric guitar.
*always figured*
well, I have always 1/2 oz of water to 1 lb of weight. So about a gallon for a 250 man, 2 quarts for a 128 lb woman
THANK YOU! I was getting ready to post just this response. We simply are not required by the great and allpowerful Nerd to like the same things in the same way. Additionally, we are not required to read articles about stuff we don't like.
been online for 25 years, I have no sympathy for criminals of any age, the internet is the great leveler, there is no real difference between a 12 year old and a 62 year old
I believe in the comics she is at least as tall as Superman, which would put her at about 6'3". No chance of that though, I am holding out for Gina Carano, but have little hope for that
It would make NO sense for them to note the resemblance between Oswinn and Clara, as no one really saw Oswinn except the viewers
Ray Guy made punting a real weapon. Field position was basically an afterthought until Ray started pinning people back. A good punter is just as importand as a good linebacker.
And you say this because you have seen the movie and know how they treat the character? Yea, the 60s comic Mandarin was Fu Manchu with the serial numbers sanded off, we don't know how they are going to treat him in the movie
Yea, I read this and couldn't tell who it was talking about. Very poorly written sentence, I took it that it was somehow referring to Mark Sheppard
wait... the Apple logo is a feature that improves it?
I saw this film and was very impressed. I felt the social commentary was immensely important. The story had a couple parallels: What is a person and what is a library. The fact is that reality is changing and what is far-fetched today and was unthinkably horrendous yesterday will be commonplace tomorrow. This film…
Well, "Plan 9 from outer space" is in the bad line Hall of fame, but still my favorite line: "Well he's been murdered, and one thing's for sure, someone did it."