Ubu Pamplemousse

Last month a Canadian start-up (because we all know that whenever something is called a “start-up” it’s guaranteed to be on the up and up...) started selling canisters of air to Chinese buyers. I know it’s a bit trite to play the whole “life imitates art imitating life” card but I couldn’t help it here.

With all due sympathies to the boy, don’t we all have to learn at some point that our commodities will never love us back?

Brothers and sisters! For too long has our facial hair come under such sustained attack and scapegoating! It not now, when? The time has come for you to say “no” to the troglodytes of bald-faced conservatism and join the Beard Liberation Front!

I think the reason I’m also leaning toward Z Nation lately is that at some point you have to admit that while the dead coming back to live is horrifying, it’s also hair-brained silly as a notion. The Walking Dead doesn’t really focus on that, but Z Nation does, which in my opinion gives it more Romero-esque critical

Bottom of the barrel, meet scraper! Scraper, this is bottom of the barrel...

That sounds feasible. In any event, it must have been incredibly unnerving to say the least... Even with the farting.

I’m certainly no expert on the matter, but I’ve heard before that it can be dangerous to hypnotize people under a certain age. I have no idea what it is but apparently teenagers in particular are at a high risk to react really poorly. In fact there was recently a case settled in Florida involving a high school

It it cool if I disagree with the reading of 28 Days Later as bleak? Sure, Major West is about as Machiavellian as they come, a man who has internalized the breakdown of society and human cooperation to an extreme degree (and also a potential stand-in for a military mentality that was very much up for skewering in a

This is one of the reasons why I think it’s more on point to call Guillermo Del Toro a gothic filmmaker rather than a horror one (though neither really are totally fitting as they don’t take into account films like, say, Pacific Rim). Pan’s Labyrinth, Devil’s Backbone and, in a perhaps more flawed way, Crimson Peak

Holy crap... Dave...