Does anybody else think it's possible that the web cam spyware issue is going to end up being a much bigger deal? Like, with a lot more women being spied on?
Does anybody else think it's possible that the web cam spyware issue is going to end up being a much bigger deal? Like, with a lot more women being spied on?
I would have bet that Chuck would leave everything to Rebecca, even though they're divorced, and maybe some charities.
Definitely not. But I think you can say she believes she genuinely cares for them, which is how she can live with herself.
Loaded might not have been the best word choice—I was trying to refer to how "complicit" seems to specifically connote Ivanka and other Trump-enablers now. I haven't really seen it used in any other context lately.
Complicit has become such a loaded term, with good reason. Great word choice for this episode. And characters in the show making excuses for Gilead on the pretext that their country was dying need to explain how any society that puts this kind of system in place deserves to survive.
Trainspotting toilet dive for me.
I didn't read Never Let Me Go but I loved the film and it has definitely been on my mind since the series started. For me it's the theme of reducing people to the parts you can use and discarding the rest.
What keeps grabbing me are the offhand allusions to the time before—in this episode, it was the Commander saying he took Latin because it would help him on the SATs. That little detail is so jarring to me.
Yes-and the women gagged with no lawyers to speak for them.
I'm glad you mentioned Underground. This episode haunted me as much as the episode when James is sent out into the field.
This episode has haunted me for days and I really appreciate everyone's comments. So much about it was so horrifying but that trial, that trial. It was just enough like a regular criminal court day-the bored prosecutor citing the criminal code, confident that the judge will follow his recommendation. And the judge…
I think "redemption" is the sick euphemism for FGN. Just as "common mercy" meant execution.
I am sure this is a stupid question but why does Patty get to just take Cato's house?
Speaking of the family business, Henry is definitely not up for being a travel agent but how long before the Center decides they want to exploit his math brains?
Celeste even used what she had learned with Perry later, which I thought was cool. He was trying to guilt her over not going to Arizona with him and she called him on it.
Every episode of this show haunts me for days and days. Thank you for continuing to cover it.
Has the show explained where Pastor Tim is?
Diet brown cola cracked me up so much.
Final confirmation that Nina is the most incompetent cop ever: running through the snowy woods after hearing the shotgun and not seeing the huge pool of blood that SHE'S STANDING IN until she happens to look down.
I am officially hatewatching this show now. What in the hell was the point of Nina's narration, other than for the show to claim that it's unpredictable and congratulate itself? Did anybody fall for Nina tracking somebody Doug got to act as his stooge? That whole sequence built up as much tension as last week's…