So, you’d rather she be presented in a way that makes her personally uncomfortable? You said yourself that she was presented in a way that hid her insecurities and allowed her to feel comfortable with what she loves to do. Isn’t that enough? Christ.
So, you’d rather she be presented in a way that makes her personally uncomfortable? You said yourself that she was presented in a way that hid her insecurities and allowed her to feel comfortable with what she loves to do. Isn’t that enough? Christ.
I really hope she’s good with her money because her career will never recover from this. She will instantly be thrown in with the Kevin Sorbos and the Scott Baios. Good riddance.
Thank you for the support. I keep coming back to see if maybe I can get an explanation as to why this post was even written. An honest one. Filler? A personal connection to Rita that made Kara dislike her somehow? Something? Nothing.
But at least while I'm coming back to check the comments (not checking up on any of…
I'm allowed to govern my own existence and decide to stay or leave for various reasons or amounts of time. I used to frequent every day, now I don't. Now I'm coming back to reply to people, but I likely will leave.
I'm not begging for attention. I am looking for other options. I'm voicing my opinion, and my reasons for…
I haven't read any of the new articles. I'm replying to people that have replied to me.
Well, at least 20 other people agree with me and none agree with you. So that might tell you something. xo.
I don't know a lot of her music because I'm not from the UK, but I happen to really like her song "I Will Never Let You Down," which has a solid 68 million views on YouTube It's really fun, poppy... And truthfully there's no reason why it didn't really fly in the states. Honestly, though... She's still really…
Thank you! I happen to think you said that quite well, actually! Better than I could articulate. I don't even know Rita Ora's music, and I was so offended by this. It was so pointless and unnecessary that it makes the most even MORE mean spirited. It focused on nothing.
I really thought this post was awful, too. A nasty jab at someone who likely has never even heard of Jezebel, never mind done anything to offend them. Why write such a crap, useless piece? So what? Girl is trying... That is awesome. It's not something to shit on.
Good riddance, Jezebel. This will be your last unnecessary, condescending and mean post that I'll be reading. I keep thinking you're going to get better, and rise above... But you don't. You always manage to throw in a nasty jab at someone who has done nothing awful to you.
You are bashing someone trying their best to…
I'm in the greys forever, so my opinion is very unimportant around here, but...
One of the recommendations I gave a while back about how to make Jezebel better was to lay off the Disney crap! I get it, it's cute and fun... But when it starts to feel like you're seeing a Disney post every day... A new take on Disney…
Will do, thank you! I just found the comment so hilarious. "...probably due to your overly polite attitudes." Bahaha.
I will check out Hola, though! It'll likely make my life around here a little easier. They always post exclusively American content! Thanks :)
"... and eat horse at them."
Ah, I miss living in Toronto.
I've been lost in the depths of the Greys anyway, so I really don't have anything to lose since I've come to terms with the fact that (as a commenter on this site for years) I'll never have the pleasure of having a dark font on this site. I'm just gonna say it.
This article is mean. It isn't the first article I thought…
We spend so much time on this website ridiculing people who've had plastic surgery (I've seen the comments), and you can't even handle one post about hearing someone happy with plastic surgery results? Give me a fucking break, seriously.
This woman did something SHE wanted to do to be comfortable in her skin. Now she…
That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. I mean, some people live in lofts where there's already exposed piping and things... And I think some of these pieces, especially the shelves, would look really cool in a place like that. You're seeing them empty, but if they were painted and had some interesting things on…
Biscuits are an awful, dense, nasty, crumbly food. Of all things they chose a BISCUIT?! 1
That explains absolutely everything Kardashian-related that I've ever been confused about. Thank you.
Somebody caught me taking a rather benign selfie today in the park. I felt an immense amount of shame. I couldn't imagine someone catching me doing THAT.