
they both cant keep up to your vape smoking douche bro neighbors beat to hell honda civic, according to him anyway.

It won’t pan out.

agreed it is a real problem. What kills me is when political ideology (as in which group can I get more votes from?) impacts American citizens negatively like this.

In July, Facebook blamed its lack of diversity on the applicant pool. Facebook’s head of diversity Maxine Williams said, “Appropriate representation in technology or any other industry will depend upon more people having the opportunity to gain necessary skills through the public education system.”

1) why are these assholes protesting?

They aren’t as hard to get as they should be because that “fixed number” is set by Congress but the current administration has executive ordered a subversion:

Companies are figuring that out and the flow has begun reversing to

That is a great action figure of Liv Tyler as Wonder Woman...

Dude - you need a job. You’ve turned into an idiot because your mind is not being used.

That is totally fantastic!

Off the top of my head... that would be the equal protection clause of the 4th amendment, depending on the situation other sections may apply instead, for example a black person would probably be offended by the government saying he can’t get married to a white women. He is offended because he is being treated

As long as that piece of wood WilliamFrakes has nothing to do with it...

Great stuff. Please direct me to the part of the Constitution that protects people from being offended.

Says the woman who doesn’t know how to use a computer.

Bob Marley lens was not blackface, it was Bob Marley face.

Nope. You are wrong.

It true, she doesn’t suck.

This year, however, the comet’s trail is pulled a little closer to us by Jupiter’s gravity—and that means that instead of skirting the trail’s edges, our planet passes straight through the thick of it,

Of course no one has cared when for 8 years, President Obama has claimed the first time he learned about something was “in the media”.

Very true. It is subjective. So why are you talking about it as if it holds some authority?