
As I’m sure you’ve realized by now, I agree with you and was only pointing out that enterprising lawyers will very likely pursue the angle I pointed out.


Ahhhh but a LAWYER will make the case that my stupidity was predictable (we even have the history of the stupid and deadly reaction to the invention of cruise control as precedent) and therefore Elon Musk - a certifiable genius by his own admission - should surely have known that stupid people would assume that

I completely agree with you and the point I was attempting to make is people and companies get sued by stupid people every damned day (because we need tort reform in this country) and my angle is one a lawyer will absolutely use before long.


It’s people’s perception of the term that is deficient.

Not entirely true - that’s why we have Judges and not robots sitting in the court-room. The standard is “a reasonable person” which is a subject thing. In particular, it is one that evolves with society.

EXACTLY! What the fuck was that? I laughed out loud on a call when I saw that. Jesus.

Don’t you think - given that we are all acknowledging people are stupid - that the correct lawsuit to bring against Tesla is one for false calling the thing “Auto-Pilot”.

Seriously -they’ve made about 125,000 and have yet to hit a single production target.

Predictiions about the future never come true.

You mean an “Overcharge”, Overcharge” button...

Tell that to the people on the Crimean Peninsula. Or the Middle East.

Wow. That was fantastic Vladimir.

The Germans didn’t have enough jets, Jimmy “I’m just a lowly peanut farmer getting rescued by the Saudi’s cause I suck at farmin’ peanuts” Carter was the President who launched that failure in Afghanistan. Just as he stupidly flew helicopters into a sandstorm in Iran against the advice of the military who’d urged an

IT sucked, King makes a LOT of crap, writes even more and occasionally hits the jackpot, financially and emotionally.

Now if only the Clinton Foundation would do the same...


You are correct - the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) own efforts in battling blood cancer has seen the mortality rate in all but the most fatally aggressive blood cancers fall from an 80% mortality to a near 94% survival/durable remission. The jump from 60% survival to 94% has happened mostly in the last 15 years

That’s a surprise given that the FDA is particularly risk-averse when it comes to these things. There’s also no conclusive evidence that the chemotherapy caused the bad reaction. The regulatory agency—for whatever reason—must be satisfied with what Juno is telling them. The FDA is also probably looking at similar